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Lakeshore Philatelics
Canada - Germany - Better Worldwide Stamps - quality stamps fair prices
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Canada #273 Mint VF NH -Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 14h
Canada #21 Mint F-VF signed -Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 14h
Canada #106 Mint XF -Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 14h
Andorra Europa 1978 VF NH
4 days, 14h
Canada #109 Mint XF -Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 14h
Germany #B318-19,B327, B331 used VF
4 days, 14h
Canada #115 Mint Superb = Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 14h
Lufthansa set Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 14h
Canada 7 unaddressed FDC - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 14h
Denmark Classics, 4 rs is signed
4 days, 14h
Isle of Man earlies Mint NH with favor cancels- Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 14h
Canada 7 FDC unaddressed - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 14h
Portugal Europa 1978 Mint VF NH
4 days, 14h
Liechtenstein 1979 mini sheets . Mint VF NH
4 days, 14h
Canada 5 Plate Blocks VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 14h
Canada #937 Used Block 4 VF
4 days, 14h
Germany #683.684,685 Mint F-VF+ NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 14h
Canada #20 Mint well centered and fresh - signed - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 14h
Berlin #9N35-41 Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 14h
Norway #8 Used , 5 varieties - read - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 14h
Canada #122 Mint XF - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 14h
Luxemboug #329-30 Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 14h
Europa CEPT 1991 complete VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 14h
Tuscany #15 Used f-vf cat $375 - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 14h
Canada #465b PB 4 LL VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 14h
Europa CEPT 1988 complete VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 14h
Saar Used and mint lot - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 14h
Germany #9NB1-3 Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 14h
Japan #155-58 Mint XF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 15h
Saar Used and mint lot - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 15h
Canada #272 Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 15h
Mexico #96d blue mint F-VF Cat $650 - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 15h
San Marino #490 sheet Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 15h
Canada #116 Mint F-VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 15h
Greece #25 Used F-VF thin - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 15h
Canada #54 Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 15h
Baden scarce #52 Griesbach cancel $80 premium - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 15h
Vatican #155a Mint F-VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 15h
Austria C49-60 Used VF - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 15h
Canada #50 used VF CDS - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 15h
Moldova Europa 1993 sheet only Mint VF NH = Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 15h
Canada #149-159 Mint VF - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 15h
Austria Lombardy #12 Used VF - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 15h
Canada J. Cartier FDC with scarce cancel - look - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 15h
Canada 5 Firdt Day covers VF - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 15h
Belgium #Q15 mint VF NH Cat $210 - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 15h
Liechtenstein lot used incl. first issue -Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 15h
Germany #C3-14 Used F VF -Cat $230 -Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 15h
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