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Lakeshore Philatelics
Canada - Germany - Better Worldwide Stamps - quality stamps fair prices
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Canada #57 Mint Very well centered - lakeshore phillatelics
2 days, 1h
Baden #16 used Vf Cat $225 - lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 1h
Iceland #2 Used repaired Cat $1250
4 days, 1h
Denmark Classics, 4 rs is signed
4 days, 1h
Korea 293a, 297a Mint VF NH
4 days, 1h
Italy #539 Block 4 Mint VF NH - scarce !
4 days, 1h
Italy #E14-15 250l with certificate also #Q1 and Q4- VF NH
4 days, 1h
Finland scarce 1955 Registered Frst Day cover to USA B/S VF
4 days, 1h
Croatia Set of 1944 sheets Mint VF NH
4 days, 1h
Kyrgystan 2006 Europa imperf. blocks . Mint VF NH
4 days, 1h
Germany #B344-47 Mint VF NH
4 days, 1h
Canada #937 Used Block 4 VF
4 days, 1h
France #B258-63 Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Berlin #9N35-41 Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Germany #648a Used rare block 4 cat $640 - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
United States #146 Used XF Cat $325 - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Canada #934-36 Plate blocks Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Luxemboug #329-30 Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Wuerttemberg #36a used VF - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Germany Thuringia Mi 98a y2 Mint NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Germany #9NB1-3 Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Canada #465b PB 4 LL VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Greece #43 mint, 43a, 46, 53,54 used - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
New Zealand Booklets Mint VF - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Canada First Flight 4 covers - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Canada #101 Used VF Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Canada 5 First Day covers from 1974 PBs unaddressed - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Nicaragua #093-099 Mint ,0119 NG, 0126 Mint F-VF - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Canada #272 Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Canada #102 Mint F-VF - Lakeshore...Philatelics
4 days, 1h |
Canada #98 used VF CDS - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
San Marino #490 sheet Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Iceland selection Mint VF NH- Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
San Marino #490 sheet margin single Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Greece #15 Used F-VF - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Canada #126ac block Mint VF NH Cat $2500 - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Italy #67 Mint F-VF Cat $500 - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Hong Kong Lot Mint and Used - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Brunswick #11 Used - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Greece #25 Used F-VF thin - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Sicily Sass #13 Used F-VF Cat Eur 2000 - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Austria C49-60 Used VF - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Canada #135 Mint F-VF VLH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h |
Canada #118 Mint F-VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Denmark 1934 Airmail set Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Canada #105 and #107 Mint VF - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Baden #10-14 used F-VF - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 1h
Canada #8 used pen cancel - Lakeshore Philatelics
4 days, 2h
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