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Austria B1, Emperor Franz Josef, Unused, H OG. (1357)
Austria 936, Imperial State Coach. Used. VF. (1354)
Austria 756, Introduction of Postal Code Numbers, Used. VF. (1278)
Austria 156, Definitive SET. Used. F-Vf. (1003)
Austria 153, Definitive SET. Used. F-Vf. (1000)
Austria 148, Definitive SET. Used. F-Vf. (888)
Austria 145, Definitive SET. Used. F-Vf. (850)
Italy 39, 2¢ on 20¢, Surcharged Single, Used. F (924)
Italy 41, 2¢ on 1l, Surcharged Single, Used. F (932)
Italy 39, 2¢ on 20¢, Surcharged Single, Used. F (924)
Austria 732, the Post in Art, Single, Used. VF. (1258)
Austria 112, Definitive SET. Used. F-Vf. (968)
Greenland 34, 70, on Cover to TE U.S.a. VF. (1)
Italy Q5, 1.25l Parcel Post. Used. VF. (44)
Sweden 1073, King Carl Gustaf. Used Single. VF. (468)
Austria 239, Coat of Arms, Single, Used. F-Vf. (1054)
Austria 880, Thomas Koschat, Composer. Used. VF. (1346)
Austria 867, Horological Collection of Vienna Museum. Single Used. VF. (1342)
Austria 858, Josef Schoffel, Ecologist. Used. VF. (1336)
Austria 857, Christmas Season. Used. VF. (1335)
Austria 834, 500th Anniversary Diocese of Vienna, Single Used. VF. (1324)
Austria 806, Christmas Season, Used. VF. (1311)
Austria 805, Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, 150th Anniv, Used. VF. (1310)
Austria 790, MOTHER'S DAY, USED. VF. (1297)
Austria 791, Austrian Gothic ART Exhibition, Used. VF. (1298)
Austria-Italian Occupation N64. UNUSED, HINGED ORIGINAL GUM. G-F. (317)
Sweden 2593 Sailing Ships, Special Publication With DIE Proofs, LTD Edition.
Italy 41, 2¢ on 1l, Surcharged Single, Used. F (932)
Italy 34, 20¢ on 15¢, Surcharged Single, Used on Small Piece of Paper. F (951)
Austria 738, EUROPA ISSUE, USED. VF. (1265)
Austria 740, Congress International Graphics Federation, Used. VF. (1267)
Italy-Amg-Venezia Giulia 1lnc1, Single. Unused, Hinged, OG. VF. (965)
Sweden 688, Fedrika Bremer. Used Single. VF. (456)
Austria 361, Typical Costumes, Single, Used. F-Vf. (900)
Austria 159, Definitive SET. Used. F-Vf. (1007)
Austria 190, Definitive SET. Single Used. F-Vf. (1030)
Austria 154, Definitive SET. Single, Used. F-Vf. (1001)
Austria 845, Year of Austrians Living Abroad. Used. VF. (1331)
Austria 838, 20th Anniversary of Council of Europe. Used. VF. (1326)
Austria 823, Christmas Season, Used. VF. (1321)
Austria 815, Angelica Kaufmann, Self Portrait, Used. VF. (1317)
Austria 812, Centenary of Horse Racing, Used. VF. (1316)
Austria 807, Winter University Games, Innsbruck, Used. VF. (1312)
Austria 801, 400th Anniversary of the Reformation, Used. VF. (1308)
Austria 799, Congress of International Trade Fairs, Used. VF. (1306)
Austria 792, Salzburg Treasure Chamber Exhibition, Used. VF. (1299)
Austria 794, View and Arms of Vienna, Used. VF. (1301)
Ifni B33, B35, Help Victims Valencia Floods, Short Set, Unused, H OG. VF. (829)
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