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Falkland Islands Dependencies 1946-59 Card Lot Sg G1-G8 Fu Cds-
Falkland Islands Dependencies 1946-59 Maps set SG G1-G8 FU CDS
New Zealand 1898 5d Purple-Brown Otira Throat And Support Ruapehu Sg 253a MH-
New Zealand 1898 5d purple-brown Otira Gorge and Mount Ruapehu SG 253a MH
Falkland Islands Dependencies 1946-59 Maps set SG G1-G8 FU CDS
Falkland Islands Dependencies 1946-59 Cards Set Sg G1-G8 Fu Cds-
New Zealand 1898 5d purple-brown Otira Gorge and Mount Ruapehu SG 253a MH
New Zealand 1898 8d Maori War Canoe Both Lampshades Sg 255-55a MH-
New Zealand 1898 5d purple-brown Otira Gorge and Mount Ruapehu SG 253a MH
Ottawa Conference Air surcharge SG 318 MH
Malaya 1945-48 (BMA) Straits Settlements opt values to 8c SG 1-7 MLH
St Vincent 1949-52 New Currency set SG 164-77 MH
New Zealand 1953-59 set to 10s SG 723-36 MLH/MH
St Vincent 1949-52 New Currency Set Sg 164-77 MH-
Gibraltar 1948 Silver Wedding set SG 134-35 MNH
Swaziland 1962-66 set SG 90-105 MNH
St Helena 1890-94 Queen Victoria 4d on 6d surcharge x 2 shades SG 43 and 43c MH
St Helena 1894 Queen Victoria 1s on 6d surcharge SG 45 MH
Hong Kong 1968-73 set upright wmk SG 253-54 MNH horizontal pair
Gambia 1938-46 2d Elephant SG 153 MNH block of 4
New Zealand 2 1/2d Lake Wakatipu x 2 shades SG 250 and 250a MH
New Zealand 5d Otira Gorge and Mount Ruapehu x 2 shades SG 223 and 223a MH
Cayman Islands 1907 1s King Edward VII SG 15 MLH
New Zealand 2 1/2d Lake Wakatipu x 2 shades SG 250 and 250a MH
Hong Kong 1968-73 set upright wmk SG 253-54 MNH horizontal pair
New Zealand 2 1/2d Lake Wakatipu x 2 shades SG 250 and 250a MH
Gambia 1938-46 2d Elephant SG 153 MNH block of 4
Cayman Islands 1950 set SG 135-47 MH
Cayman Islands 1950 Set Sg 135-47 MH-
Cayman Islands 1950 Set Sg 135-47 MH-
Cayman Islands 1907 1s King Edward VII SG 15 MLH
Hong Kong 1968-73 Vertical Set Wmk Sg 253-54 MNH Horizontal Pair-
Gambia 1938-46 2d Elephant SG 153 MNH block of 4
New Zealand 1953-59 set to 10s SG 723-36 MLH/MH
Gambia 1938-46 2d Elephant Sg 153 MNH Block Of 4-
Falkland Islands 1904-12 2 1/2d x 2 shades SG 46 (x 2) MH
Falkland Islands 1904 6d SG 47 MLH
Falkland Islands 1904 1s SG 48 MH
Cayman Islands 1950 set SG 135-47 MH
St Vincent 1949-52 New Currency set SG 164-77 MH
Cayman Islands 1907 1s King Edward VII SG 15 MLH
Rhodesia 1910-13 2s SG 178 FU CDS
Guyane Britannique 1889 96C SG 205 FU CDS
Rhodesia 1910-13 2s Sg 178 Fu Cds-
British Honduras 1865 1s Queen Victroria Sg 4 Fu-
British Guiana 1889 96c Sg 205 Fu Cds-
Tanganyika 1916 3d and 4d Nyasaland NF opt values OPT SG N3-N4 MH
Malaysia - Straits Settlements 1937-41 Features Between Sg 278 & 298 Mlh-
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