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Italy 1923 20c Tercentenary of the Congregation FU CDS
Italy 55l 1950 European Tobacco Conference, ROME Fu Cds-
Italy 1950 Holy Year set MH
Italy 1905 15c on 20c surcharge, SG 73 MVLH
Italy - Dodecanese Islands 1929-32 Kings's Visit no imprint MH
Italy 1953-54 Coin of Syracuse values to 50l SG 836-44 MH
Italty - Dodecanese Islands (Rodi) 1917 20c Italy opt no wmk MH
Italy 1948 600th Anniversary of Birth of St Catherine of Siena set MH
Italy 1950 55l International Radio Conference FU
Italy 1949 100l Centenary of Roman Republic FU CDS
Italy - Venezia, Giulia and Istria 1946-47 vals SG 44-46, 53-54 and E55-E56 MH
Italy 1890-91 20c on 30c and 50c surcharge SG 45-46 FU
Italy 1952 60l 30th Milan Fair MLH
Italy 1949 50l UPU SG 725 MH
Italy 1926 new values and colours 75c, 1l.25 and 2l.50 MH
Italy 1952 60l 30th Milan Fair MLH
Italy 1950 20L MNH pair
Italy 1951 Exhibition + 1951 Hall of Peace MH
Italy 1951 Centenary of First Tuscan Stamp MNH
Italy - Trieste 1949 Art Exhibition, Venice opt set SG 86-89 MH
Italy 1951 55l Abbey UM
Italty 1951 55l Centenary of First Tuscan Stamp FU CDS
Italy 1949 150th Anniversary of Volta's Discovery set MVLH
Italy + Trieste 1951 Art and Fashion Exhibition, Turin SG 785 + 201 MLH
Italy 1951 55l Abbey UM
Italy 1951 International Gymnastic Festival, Florence set SG 787-89 MNH
Italy 1947 10l MNH
Italy 1890 Parcel Post stamps FU CDS
Italy 1945-48 25l UM
Italy - Trieste 1949 Art Exhibition, Venice opt set SG 86-89 MH
Italy 55l 1950 European Tobacco Conference, Rome FU CDS
Italy 1949 20l First Free Trieste free Election SG 732 FU CDS
Italy 1949 100l Centenary of Roman Republic FU CDS
Italy 1949 UPU SG 725 MH
Italy 1947 and 46 25l, 30l Winged Foot of Mercury Express Letter SG E682-E683 MH
Italy 1947 and 46 25l, 30l Winged Foot of Mercury Express Letter SG E682-E683 MH
Italy 1947 And 46 25L, 30L Winged Foot By Mercury Express Cover Sg E682-E683 MH-
Italy 1951 50th Death Anniversary of Verdi MVLH/MH
Italy 1926 new values and colours 75c, 1l.25 and 2l.50 MH
Italy 1948 Centenary of Revolution MLH
Italy 1945-48 100l MH
Italy 1949 UPU SG 725 MH
Italy + Trieste 1951 Art and Fashion Exhibition, Turin SG 785 + 201 MLH
Italy 1948 Centenary of 1848 Revolution set MH
Italy - Trentino 1918 2k FU CDS
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Italy 1949 100l Centenary of Roman Republic FU CDS
Italy 1949 100l Centenary Of Roman Republic Fu CD'S-
Italy 1890 Parcel Post stamps FU CDS
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