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Britannique Occupation De Italien Colonies - Somalie 1943 GB Opt Set Sg S1-S9
Falkland Is 1896 1s Queen Victoria Sg 38 MH
Îles Falkland 1895 4D Olive-Noir Et 1896 6D Jaune Reine Victoria SG 32 Et 34 M
Britannique Occupation De Italien Colonies - Somalie 1943 GB Opt Set Sg S1-S9
1912-20 2 1/2d Deep Blue Glossy SG 63 MH-
GB 1857 4d rose FU
GB 2s 6d 1915 "Sea Horses" FU
GB 1902 2s 6d lilac FU CDS
British Levant 1906 1pi on 2 1/2d GB surcharge MH
British Levant 1906 1pi on 2 1/2d GB surcharge MH
GB 1873 3d GU
GB 1865-73 4d FU CDS
GB 1865-67 6d lilac (with hyphen) wmk inverted SG 97wi FU
GB 1857 4d FU CDS
GB 1918 5s "Seahorse" FU CDS
British Levant 1902 80pa on 5d GB surcharge small "0" in "80" variety SG 9a MLH
British Levant 1921 GB 30pa on 1/2d surcharge FU CDS
British Postal Agencies in East Arabia 1955-1957 2s 6d & 5s GB surcharge MM
British Levant 1921 GB opt set to 2s 6d SG L18-L24 FU CDS/FU
GB 1858-76 2d deep blue plate 13 OF FU
British Levant 1902-05 GB surcharge vales MH
GB 1902 5s GU
GB 1865 6d lilac (with hyphen) plate 5 IK SG 97 FU Duplex cancel
GB 1855-57 1s green FU
GB 1863 4d FU
GB 1911-13 10d dull reddish purple and aniline pink FU
GB 1870 1/2d plate 8 FU
GB 1883-84 3d FU CDS
Br Occupation of Italian Colonies 1948 GB Postage Due opt set SG TD1-TD5 MH
GB 1884 6d FU CDS
Br Postal Agencies in Eastern Arabia 1948 GB surcharge set SG 16-24 (+18a) MLH
GB 1865 3d FU CDS
GB 1883-84 4d FU CDS
GB 1912-24 1d wmk inverted FU CDS pair
British Occ of Italian Colonies - Somalia1947 GB BMA opt set SG S10-S20 MLH/MH
GB 1856 6d deep lilac FU
GB 1883 3d on 3d surcharge FU CDS
GB 1881 1s CDS pair
GB 1883 6d on 6d FU CDS
GB 1880 4d FU
GB 1862-64 4d FU "466" cancel
GB 1884 6d HA MH
GB 1857 4d rose FU
GB 1890 1s "Jubilee" Govt Parcels opt FU
GB 1870 1 1/2d rose pl 20 FU CDS
GB 1890 1s Govt Parcels FU CDS
GB 1938-40 to 2 1/2d wmk sideways MVLH
Br Occ of Italian Colonies 1950 Postage Due GB surcharge and opt SG ED6-ED10 MH
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