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France 1953 Sports set SG 1185-90 MH
Italy 1949 50l UPU SG 725 MH
Hungary 1958 Air. Brussels Exhibition MS MNH
Austria 1955 UNO MNH/MLH block of 4
Cyprus 1903-03 1/2pi, 30pa and 2pi MH
Sweden 1938 values to 30 ore MVLH
Portugal 1955 Centenary of Electric Telegraph System SG 1131-33 set to 3E.50 MNH
Hungary 1958 Air Brussels Exhibition Ms MNH-
Gibraltar 1938-51 Values To 3D Sg 121, 123b, 124c And 125b MH-
Malaysia - Federated Malay States 1907 $1 grey-green and green SG 48 MH
France 1959 100f Tourist Publicity SG 1356b MNH horizontal pair
Iceland 1925 50a Fishermen landing at Vik, iceland MLH
South Gerorgia and the South Sandwich Is 2004 Juvenile Fauna set SG 390-401 MLH
Gibraltar 1912-24 values to 2 1/2d + shades SG 76-79 + 76a and 77a MVLH
France - Tunisia 1938 20f + 10f 50th Anniv of Tunisian Postal Service surch MLH
Sweden 1938 300th Anniversary MLH/MH
France 1951 National Relief Fund set SG 1113-18 FU CDS
Italy 1926 new values and colours 75c, 1l.25 and 2l.50 MH
Hungary 1918 Air surcharge set MH
Portugal 1945 2E President Carmona SG 983 MH
Hungary 1918 Air surcharge set MH
Gibraltar 1906 1s chalk-surfaced paper SG 61a MH
Netherlands 1952 Stamp Exhibition MLH/MH
Austria 1951 Reconsruction set MLH
Germany- Third Reich 1934 25pf German Colonisers' Jubilee MNH
Germany - West germany 1956-57 President Heuss set to 90pf SG1122a-1122i MNH
Gibraltar 1967-69 2s to Sg 210-13 Fu Cds-
San Marino 1894 Opening of Government Palace set MH
Germany - Saar 1957 President Heuss set SG 406-25
Liechtenstein 1949 Paintings set to 120r MH
Vatican City 1948 250l Air SG 137 MLH
Belgium 1927 5f SG 372 MNH
Cyprus 1938-51 2 1/2pi Kolossi Castle SG 156 MH
Gibraltar 1967-69 2s to SG 210-13 FU CDS
Liechtenstein 1955 Mountain Sports set MH
Belgium 1893-1900 2f SG 91 FU CDS
Cyprus 1892-94 4pi pale olive-green Queen Victoria SG 35a FU
France 1877-90 40c red/yellow MLH
Gibraltar 1908 6c Chalk-Surfaced Papier Sg 60a MH
Italy 1952 60l 30th Milan Fair MLH
Austria 1949 90g Costumes MH
Portugal 1972-81 SG 1442-61 set to 100E MNH
Cyprus 1896 6pi Queen Victoria SG 45 FU CDS
France - Andorra (French) 1951 30f Councillor Jaume Bonell MNH
Gibraltar 1925 2s reddish purple and blue/blue SG 99a FU CDS
Luxembourg 1952 15th Olympic Games, Helsinki MH
Gibraltar 1903 2D MH-
Italy 1950 20L MNH pair
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