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Liechtenstein 1951-52 2f and 3f p 12 1/2 x 12 SG 302A and 303A MLH
Gibraltar 1938-51 Values To 5d Between Sg 121 And 125c Mlh / MH Growth-
Netherlands 1950 Bombed Churches Rebuilding Fund set MNH
Portugal 1940 Stamp Centenary SG 920-27 MVLH/MLH
Belgium 1914 Red Coss Fund to 20c) SG 151-53 MLH
Greece 1933 Air set to 120d MLH
Malta 1899-1901 4 1/2d Gozo Fishing Boat and 5d Galley SG 32-33 MH
Germany - East germany 1951 24pf Friendship with China MH
Portugal 1953-71 90c, 1E.40 and 2E.30 Medieval Knight MNH
Cyprus 1955-60 set to + shades SG 173-87 MLH/MH
Italy 1950 55l International Radio Conference FU
Switzerland 1908-40 values to 1f MH
Monaco 1891 5f FU CDS
Hungary 1914 War Charity surcharge top 3 values SG 167-69 MLH
Norway 1958-62 King Olav V set to 90ore SG 472-84 MH
Germany - Greman Federal Republic (West germany) 1986-94 Famous German Women MNH
Denmark 1915 5k GPO, Copenhagen FU CDS
Hungary 1925 Sports Association Fund set MH
Malta 1886 5s SG 30 MH
Spain 1901-05 40c olive-bistre SG 301 MH
Italy 1949 100l Centenary of Roman Republic FU CDS
Italy - Venezia, Giulia and Istria 1946-47 vals SG 44-46, 53-54 and E55-E56 MH
Greece1951 Tourist Publicity set SG 850-66 MH
Liechtenstein 1925 Birthday MH
Cyprus 1912-15 9pi, 12pi and 18pi SG 81-83 MLH
Belgium - Belgian Congo 1924-25 3f, 5f and 10f SG 138-40 MH
Germany - Bavaria 1914-20 20m King Ludwig III FU CDS
Germany - Saar 1950 200f Admission to the Council of Europe MNH
Australia 1915-27 Kangaroo values between SG 24 and 42 FU CDS
France 1935 Interlectualls 50c + 2f UM pair
Germany - Third Reich 1936 Winter Relief Fund set SG 623-31 MNH
Austria 1950 1s Costume MNH
Gibraltar 1906-11 values to 1s (less 6d) SG 66-71 (less SG 70) MLH/MH
Cyprus 1934 18pi Buyuk Khan, Nicosia and 45pi Forest Scene, Troodos FU CDS
Sth georgia and the sth Sandwich Islands 2004 Juvenile Fauna set SG 390-401 MNH
Belgium 1949 50f Belgian Stamp Centenary, Air, SG 1275 MNH
Italy 1890-91 20c on 30c and 50c surcharge SG 45-46 FU
Greece 1951 5000d Reconstruction issue MNH
France 1884 1f reddish brown Postage Due SG D292 FU CDS
France - Monaco 1893 10c Prince Albert MLH
Cyprus 1924-28 1/2pi, 1 1/2pi and 2pi SG 104, 107 and 108 FU CDS
France 1918 15c + 5c Red Cross Fund SG 378 MH
Gibraltar 1906 6d and 1905 5d SG 60-61 MVLH/MH
Denmark 1875-1903 20 ore and 25ore FU CDS
Cyprus 1892-94 values to 4pi + 4pi shade FU CDS
Belgium 1915 Red Cross Fund set MNH/MLH
Italy 1952 60l 30th Milan Fair MLH
Greece 1954 "Enosis" set MLH/MH
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