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I am "cleaning-up" my inventory. Selling stamps, covers and postal cards around the world - classic, semi-classic to modern. APS member # 143629.
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Germany & Colonies
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Germany Bund Scott # 1891, used, first day cancelled
Germany AM Post Scott # 578, used
Germany Bund Scott # 1234, 1231, mint nh, se-tenant, Mi # W61 I
Germany AM Post Scott # 578, used
Germany Bund Scott # 1236, 1234, 1231, mint nh, se-tenant, Mi # W60
Germany AM Post Scott # 578, used
Germany Bund Scott # B1084, used
German States Wurttemberg Scott # 47, used
Germany Bund Scott # B1074, used
German States Wurttemberg Scott # 39, used
Or Best Offer
Germany Bund Scott # 2758, used
Germany Bund Scott # 2757, used
Germany Bund Scott # 1078, 1076, mint nh, se-tenant, Mi # W56
Germany Bund Scott # 2746, used
DDR under russian occ. Scott # 10N42, used
Germany Reich Scott # B3 - B4, used, exp h/s, Mi # 233-234
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Germany Bund Scott # 1078, 1079 (2) + label, mint nh, tete beche+se-t., Mi # WK3
Germany Bund Scott # 1075, 1076, mint nh, se-tenant, Mi # W38
Germany Bund Scott # B490d (2), B490c, mint nh, se-tenant, Mi # W37
Germany Bund Scott # B490c (2), B490d, mint nh, se-tenant, Mi # W35
Germany Bund Scott # 2706, used
Germany Bund Scott # 2409, used
Germany Reich Scott # 325, used, variation flat head of "1" (at left stamp)
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German States Bavaria Michel # P17, mint nh, perfin B
Germany Bund Scott # 1492, used
Germany Bund out of Scott # 704-711, mint nh, pair, var fluorescent, experts h/s
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Germany Bund Scott # 1847, used
Germany Reich Scott # B292 - B293, mint nh, imperf.
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Germany Bund Scott # 2712, used
Germany - French occ. Scott # 5NB4a, mint nh, s/s
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Germany Berlin Scott # 9N91, used, opp
Germany Bund Scott # 2102, mint nh, block of 6
Germany AM Post Scott # 582-583, used, on card, special cancel fdc Leipzig fair
Germany AM Post Scott # 641, used, on postcard, special cancel Frankfurt fair
Germany Bund Scott # 2094, mint nh, pair
Germany Bund Scott # 2088, mint nh, pair
Germany Bund Scott # 1257, used, firstday sheetlet
Germany Reich Scott # 243, used, Mi # 279a, exp h/s
Germany Reich Scott # O34, used, Mi # D91, exp h/s
Germany Reich Scott # 420 (3), label A8.1, used, se-tenant, S133
Germany AM Post Scott # 3N13a, used
Germany Bund Scott # 954, 953, 952, mint nh, se-tenant, Mi # W26
Germany Reich Scott # O30, used, Mi # D89
Germany AM Post Scott # 3N9a, used
Germany DDR Scott # 1207a, se-tenant, used on cover, WZd224
Germany Reich Scott # O28, used, Mi # D81, exp h/s
German Democratic Republic Scott # 226a, mint nh, s/s
Or Best Offer
Germany Reich Scott # 254, used, exp.h/s, Mi# 290
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