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I am "cleaning-up" my inventory. Selling stamps, covers and postal cards around the world - classic, semi-classic to modern. APS member # 143629.
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Germany & Colonies
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Germany Reich Scott # 99a, used
Germany Reich Scott # 269, used, exp h/s, Mi # 309AWa
Germany Reich Scott # 206b, used, exp h/s, Mi # 254c
Germany Bund Scott # 718, used
Germany Bund Scott # 1849, mint nh, pair
Germany Scott # 415, 418, used, se-tenant, Mi# W71
Germany Reich Scott # 422, label A10, used, se-tenant, W67
Germany Scott # 419, 2 labels A9, used, se-tenant, Mi # S140
Germany Scott # 419, 420, 2 label, mint nh, tete beche, Mi# KZ29.2
German Democratic Republic Scott # 10N42, pair, used
Germany Scott # 422 (5), label A10, used, se-tenant, Mi# S146
Germany AM Post Scott # B308, used
Germany Bund Scott # 2494, used
Germany Bund Scott # 963 - 964, mint nh, b/4
Germany Bund Scott # 2509, used
Germany Scott # 406, 404, used, se-tenant, Mi# S110
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Germany Scott # 392, 406, used, se-tenant, Mi# S106
Germany Bund Scott # 2416, used
Germany Reich Scott # C1 - C2, used, exp h/s, Mi # 111-112
Germany Bund Scott # 2485, used
Germany Scott # 418, 416, used, se-tenant, Mi # W60
Germany Bund Scott # 1853, mint nh, variation coil with # 15, Mi# 1937AR
Germany AM Post Scott # 641, used, variation open 0
Germany Scott # B95a, mint nh, se-tenant, bokklet pane, Mi# HBl107B
Germany Berlin Scott # 9N365, mint nh
Germany Berlin Scott # 9N286, mint nh
Germany AM Post Scott # 3N2a - 3N13a, used
Germany Bund Scott # 670, used, b/4, variation flat press print
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Germany Bund Scott # B1114, used
Germany Bund Scott # 2894, used
Germany Bund Scott # 2940, used
Germany Bund Scott # 2920, used
Germany AM Post Scott # B295, s/s, special cancel, exp. h/s
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Germany Reich Scott # 177, used, exp.h/s, Mi# 191
Germany Berlin Scott # 9N189, used
Germany Berlin Scott # 9N49, used
Germany Bund Scott # 2828, used
Germany Reich Scott # 253, mint nh
Germany Reich Scott # 277, used, exp h/s, Mi # 309BPa
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Germany Reich Scott # 75b, used, exp h/s, Mi # 78 B
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Germany Bund Scott # 2795, used
Germany Reich Scott # B212 - B214, mint nh
Germany Reich Scott # 95b, used, exp h/s, Mi # 97A II
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German States Wurttemberg Scott # 63, used
Germany Bund Scott # 2773, used
Germany Bund Scott # 2777, used
Germany Bund Scott # 2776, used
Germany AM Post Scott # 535, used, variation color
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