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Eclectics, unusuals, xtras, and cool-looking stamps are the main venue. Mostly US and Canada, China and Japan, Commonwealth. Do drop in and look around, you might just find that special something.
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Azores Q1-Q3, MH
US 2059-2062, MNH Block of 4 - Streetcars
US 497 Pair, Used
US 2697 WW2 1942, Pane of 2 Sheetlets of 10
US Stamp #152, Used
Malta 799-801 - Georges Cross, WW2 Decoration
Country Collection Austria, 700 Different
French Common Design Set CD113, MNH Set of 8 Red Cross
Belgium 79-81, 79 is MH Others MNH - Coat of Arms
US 2951-2954, MNH Block of 4 - Earth Day
Great Britain 798-801, MNH - Christmas 1976
Canada 226, MNH
US 230-236, Used Columbian Issues
US 2803a, MNH Booklet Pane of 18 - Snowman, Christmas 1993
US e9, Used
US 319 Block of 4, Scarlet Color, Used
US Revenues R83c
US 3122, Booklet of 30 Complete, Statue of Liberty Perf 11 Variety
US 2131-2134, MNH PNC Coil Strips of 5 Mostly
US 3446, MNH Sheet of 20 - Edward G Robinson
Canada 59, Mint No Gum or Used No Cancel
US 3439-3443b, MNH Set of 5 Single Stamps
US c137 Airmail Plate Block of 4, MNH - Mount McKinley
US 2775-2778, MNH Booklet of 20 - Country Music
US 2976-2979, MNH Set of 4 Single Stamps
US Official_o30, Used, Tiny Pinhole - Department of Justice
Cook Islands 131-133, MNH
US 4813, MNH - Christmas 2013
US Misc. Collection of Coil Issues, All MNH
US 2362-2366, MNH Booklet Pane of 5 - Locomotives
US 189, Used
US 413, Used - 4 Copies
Canada 177, Mint
US 236, Mint, Mildly Disurbed Gum
Bahamas Columbus Landfall Not Listed
US Revenues R9c-R11c, Used
US 496 Guideline Pair, Used. Separated Perfs On Roughly Top Third.
US Revenue r83c, Used
US 2508-2511, MNH Block of 4 - Creatures of the Sea
US e4, Used
Leeward Islands 107 Block of 6, MNH
US 228, Used - Nice Example
Newfoundland 196, MNH Plate Block of 4
Canada 171, MH
US 1048, MNH Coil Line Pair
US 206 and 207, 207 With Star Cancel
US 2135-2136, MNH PNC Coil Strips of 5
US 2731-2737, Booklet of 20 - Rock and Roll Legends
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