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This is the place to come for Quality U.S. Stamps for the serious and advanced collector. I am a Dealer-member of the APS (#105953-D) specializing in Pre-1945 US Stamps
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#213 MNH OG-Washington Green Color-1887!
#642 Vf-Xf MNH Og-James Monroe GEM Plate Block (Rem #642-2)
US #918 Albania Overrun Countries-Staehle Poster Stamp Fdc-Unadressed-Unsealed
#528 XF MNH Og--Nice Offset Plate Block of 6-Type Va (Rem #528-834)
Rw57 Superb MNH OG 1990 Duck Plate Block (Rem #Rw57-941)
C22 VF MNH OG Airmail--50¢ China Clipper (Rem #C22-838)
#561 VF MNH Og-9¢ Jefferson Nice Perf 11 Series (Rem #561-725)
#679 VF MNH Og-Nebraska Overprint- Margin Stamp! (Rem #679-448)
#571 VF MNH OG $1 Lincoln Memorial Stamp-Perf 11 Series (Rem #571-192)
#555 F-Vf MNH OG -Perf 11 Lincoln-Great Looking Stamp!!
#542 F-Vf MNH Perf 10--Great GEM Stamp!!
#1518B Superb MNH OG Imperforated Coil Pair-Major Error (Rem #1518B-026)
#713 F-VF MNH OG 8¢ Washington Bicentennial PLATE BLOCK (REM #713-853)
#655 VF MNH OG Edison Light Bulb Plate Block!! (Rem #655-534)
#513 VF MNH Og-Beautiful 13¢ Perf 11 Franklin Head (Rem #513-643)
#683 Vf-Xf MNH Og--Charleston Plate Block of 6
#C5 VF MNH OG Airmail--2Nd Airmail Series
#410 VF LH OG Jumbo 1¢ Washington Perf 8.5 Single Line Watermark Coil (#411-7)
#425 XF LH OG Perf 10 2c Washington Flat Plate Printing (Rem #425-03)
#803-31 Prexies 1/2c-50c-fdcs of Single Stamp-Set of Ioor Cachets-Addressed!!
#666 F-Vf MNH Og-8¢ Kansas Overprint-U S Grant-L@@K!! (Rem #666-9)
#649 XF MNH OG-2c Aeronautics Conference Issue BIG GEM STAMP (REM #649-4)
#233 VF MNH Og-4C Columbian Series-Great Margins (Rem #233-2)
#823 XF MNH OG-18c GRANT-UR PLATE BLOCK-Presidential Series (REM 823-g)
#528 F-Vf Hinged Og--Nice Offset Plate Block of 6-Type Va (Rem #528-4)
#472 F-VF Hinged OG-10 cent FRANKLIN Perf 10 (REM #472-13)
#591 F-Vf Hinged OG 10¢ Monroe-Perf 10 Issue. (Rem #591-99)
#329 F-Vf MNH Og-2¢ Jamestown Series Stamp (Rem #329-146)
#568 VF MNH OG Perf 11 25c Niagara Falls-Nice Dark Shade! (Rem #568-336)
#619 Superb MNH Og-High Grade GEM Stamp (Rem #619-637)
Rw15 VF MNH Og-Gem 1948 Duck Stamp (Rem #Rw15-780)
JQ4 F-Vf OG 10¢ Parcel Post Postage Due-Set Key-L@@K! (Rem #Jq4-527)
#513 VF MNH Og-Beautiful 13¢ Franklin Block of 4 (Rem #513-353)
#723 Superb VLH OG- 6c Garfield GEM Line Pair!! (Rem #723-200)
#325 F-Vf VLH Og-3¢ Louisiana Purchase Series (Rem #325-832)
#324 F MN H Og-2¢ Lousiana Purchase-Jefferson--L@@K! (Rem #324-009)
#237 F-VF Hinged OG-10¢ COLUMBIAN
#701 50¢ Arlington VF LH-OG-GORGEOUS GEM STAMP
#JQ2 F-VF Hinged OG-2¢ Parcel Post Postage Due Stamp
#Rw30 XF MNH Og-Gem 1963 Duck Stamp
#428 XF MNH OG Perf 10 5c Washington Flat Plate Printing (Rem #428-03)
#541 Fine MNH OG TOP Pair Perf 11 X 10 Rotary Press Coil Waste (Rem #541-8)
#641 XF Hinged Og-Gem Plate Block-Nr! (Rem #641-18)
#600 VF MNH Og-3¢ Abraham Lincoln Coil Line Pair!! (Rem #600-4)
#405 F-Vf MNH OG Perf 12 Washington Flat Plate Printing (Rem #405-03)
Q6 VF MNH OG 10c Parcel Post Stamp-L@@K! (Rem #Q6-2)
#397 F-VF MNH OG 1¢ Panama-Pacific Series-Portrait of Balboa (REM #397-5)
#566 XF MNH Og-15C Statue of Liberty-Nice GEM Stamp!! (Rem #566-13)
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