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Thailand Scott 312-314 (1955) Mint NH VF Complete Set, CV $60.50 C
Korea, DPRK Scott 4350c Complete Booklet (2004) Mint NH VF C
Hong Kong Scott 11 (1880) Used F, CV $52.50 C
Straits Settlements Scott 24 (1880) Used G, CV $62.50 C
Japan Scott 479 (1949) Mint HR F C
China, Republic of - Scott J102-J108 (1948) Mint H F Complete Set, CV $5.60 Q
Japan Scott 46 Syllabic 1 (1875) Used F, CV $160.00 C
China, Peoples Rep. of, Scott 1863a Complete Book (1983) Mint NH VF, CV$100.00 C
Viet Nam, Democratic Republic Scott 274 SS (1963 ) Mint NH NGAI VF, CV $80.00 C
Japan Scott 422 (1948) Mint NH F-VF, CV $70.00 C
Laos Scott 109-111 (1965) Mint NH VF Complete Set C
Hong Kong Scott 87 (1904) Mint H VF, CV $34.50 Q
China, Peoples Rep. of, Scott 1671-1676 Blocks of 4 (1981) Mint NH VF, CV 60.+ C
Hong Kong Scott J6 (1938) Used VF, CV $12.00 Q
Sarawak Scott 28-29, 31 (1895) Mint H VF, CV $65.50 B
Labuan Scott 99A-109 (1902-03) Mint H VF Complete Set, CV $98.50 C
Afghanistan Scott 1104--1182 (1984-86) CTO H VF, CV $24.55 P
Japan Scott 54A (1876) Used F, CV $110.00 C
Hong Kong Scott 34 (1879) Used P CV $140.00 C
Hong Kong Scott 17 (1866) Used P, CV $300.00 C
Pakistan Scott 24 O82 (1948-63) Used/Mint H G-F-VF, CV $140.70 Y
Japan Scott 582a Souvenir Sheet (1953) Mint NH VF, CV $45.00 C
India - Indore Scott 5, 9, 16, 24,33-36, O1-O2 (1889-1941) Used G-F, CV $12.35 Q
Mongolia Scott 134 (1956) Mint NH VF, CV $25.00 W
India Scott 52 (1895) Used F, CV $42.50 C
Mongolia Scott 16b Type 3, Forgery, Red Ovpt., Sheet of 6 (1926) Mint NH F-VF W
Korea, DPRK Scott 2242-2244 (1982) Mint NH F-VF, CV $60.00 C
Laos Scott 81-84 (1963) Mint NH VF Complete Set Y
Mongolia Scott 83 (1945) Mint H VF, CV $60.00 W
Korea Scott 8 (1895) Mint H F, CV $70.00 C
China, Peoples Rep. of, Scott 105-107 (1951) Used F-VF, CV $20.50 Q
Labuan Scott 83, 84b, 85, 86a (1897-98) Used/Mint H F-VF, CV $65.55 B
Mongolia Scott 62-71, 74 (1932) Mint H F-VF, CV $64.45 W
China - Return of Hong Kong Oversize Registered First Day Cover (1997) VF C
Japan Scott B14a-B31a Souvenir Sheets (1961-64) Mint NH VF, CV $32.50 C
Mongolia Scott 121-122, 124 (1955) Mint NH VF, CV $44.50 W
China Scott 290 -- 306 (1931-33) Used F, CV $20.40 C
China, Northeast, PRC, Scott 1L150-1L153 Reprints (1950) Mint H F-VF, CV$55.00 Q
Viet Nam, Democratic Republic Scott 1548 (1985) Mint NH VF C
Bangladesh Scott O1 // O44 (1973-83) Used F-VF, CV $29.80 P
China, Peoples Rep. of, Scott 1194-1198 (1966) M NH VF Complete Set, CV $44.75 C
Mongolia Scott 83 (1945) Mint NH VF, CV $60.00 W
Japan Scott 381a Souvenir Sheet (1947) Mint NH VF, CV $14.00 C
Laos Scott 386-391 (1982) Mint NH NGAI VF Complete Set, CV $7.40 C
Korea, DPRK Scott 166-171 (1959) Mint NH VF Complete Set, CV $24.50 C
Viet Nam, Democratic Republic Scott 47-49 (1956-58) Mint NH NGAI VF, CV $37.00 C
Japan Scott 510a Souvenir Sheet (1951) Mint NH VF, CV $22.50 C
Mongolia Scott 144-148 (1958) Mint LH VF Complete Set, CV $37.50 W
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