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Libya Scott 842-845, 846-847 Souvenir Sheets (1979) Mint NH VF, CV $12.00 Y
Libya Scott 882 Perf. Strip of 5 (1980) Mint NH VF, CV $5.00 Y
Libya Scott 910-912 (1981) Mint NH VF Complete Set Y
Libya Scott 952 Perf. Strip of 5 (1981) Mint NH VF, CV $5.00 Y
Libya Scott 542-543 (1974) Mint NH VF, CV $21.50 Y
Libya Scott 600-601 (1976) Mint NH VF, CV $6.50 Y
Libya Scott 618-620, 621 Souvenir Sheet (1976) Mint NH VF, CV $18.25 Y
Libya Scott 675-677, 678 Souvenir Sheet (1977) Mint NH VF, CV $14.55 Y
Libya Scott 678 Souvenir Sheet (1977) Mint NH VF, CV $8.50 Y
Libya Scott 810 Strips of 5, Perf. & Imperf. (1979) Mint NH VF, CV $35.00 Y
Libya Scott 840-841 Sheetlets of 4 (1979) Mint NH VF Y
Libya Scott 320, 347, 348, 350, 355, 359, 457, 548, 682 (1967-77) CTO/Used VF Y
Congo, Democratic Republic Scott 356 / 509 (1960-64) Mint/CTO H F-VF, CV $9.25 Q
Katanga Scott 40, 41, 44, 47 (1960) Mint/Used H F-VF Q
Libya Scott 1N1-1N3 (1946) Mint H VF Y
Lagos Scott 7-8, 10, 12 (1876) Used P-F, CV $143.50 C
Stellaland Scott 1 (1884) Mint H G, CV $225.00 C
Bechuanaland Scott 8 39, BP 69-70 (1885-97) Used/Mint H F, CV $107.10 C
Ethiopia Scott 120-134 (1919) Mint NH F-VF Complete Set, CV $23.50 C
Swaziland Scott 3 (1889) Used P, CV $18.00 C
Mauritius Scott 59, 61, 63-64 (1879-80) Used F-G, CV $60.00 C
Mauritius Scott 68-73, 80, 82 (1882-94) Used F to F, CV $21.35 C
Angola Scott 25-26, 27a, 29c, 30b, 33 (1893-94) Mint/Used H F-VF, CV $43.50 C
Transvaal Scott 166-174 (1896) Used/Mint H P to F, CV $16.35 C
Basutoland Scott 18 // 104 (1938-1965) Mint/Used H F-VF, CV $8.60 P
Transvaal Scott 144-147 (1893) Used/Mint H G-F, CV $22.50 C
Cape of Good Hope Scott 18-19, 24, 27 (1864-77) Used Good-Fine, CV $8.40 C
Transvaal Scott 140-141, 162-163, 165 (1885-95) Used G-F, CV $19.55 C
Togo Scott 2-3,5, 8 (1897-1900) Mint/Used H P F to F, CV $73.25 C
Burkina Faso Scott 365-367, C209-C210, 376A (1975) Mint NH VF, CV $10.35 C
Lagos Scott 13, 15, 18 (1882-87) Used/Mint H G-F, CV $6.45 C
Natal Scott 32-33 (1869) Used P, CV $165.00 C
Transvaal Scott 149, 153, 155-158 (1894-95) Used P-F C
Basutoland Scott 46-56 (1954) Mint H VF Complete Set, CV $120.80 C
Gambia Scott 6-7, 12, 18, 21-22, 24 (1880-98) Used/Mint H P-F, CV $171.50 C
Transvaal Scott 202-203, 205-208 (1900) Used P to F, CV $17.50 C
Nyassa Scott 26-38 (1901) Used G-F Complete Set, CV $22.65 C
Cape of Good Hope Scott 23-24, 26-27 (1872-81) Used P-F, CV $24.15 C
Burkina Faso Scott 1132 (1999) Mint NH VF C
Rhodesia Scott 27-28, 30, 50-51, 53-54 (1896-97) Used/Mint H P to F, CV $35.90 C
Sierra Leone Scott 34-35 (1896-97) Used F, CV $5.50 C
Ghana Scott 142a Souverir Sheet (1963) Mint NH VF A
Burundi Scott B8 Perf. & Imperf. Souvenir Sheets (1964) Mint NH VF, CV $18.00 C
Natal Scott 9, 11, 12-13 (1860-62) Used P, CV $262.50 C
Gold Coast Scott 11, 13-15, 17 (1884-91) Used G-F, CV $14.20 C
Sierra Leone Scott 22, 23b (rose), 27, 30 (1884-92) Used F-G, CV $49.50 C
Transvaal Scott 254, 256, 268, 271, 273, 282 (1902-09) Used F to F, CV $21.75 C
Central African Republic Scott C205a Souvenir Sheet (1978) MintNH VF, CV$27.50 C
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