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TURKEY OTTOMAN EMPIRE Post Office Souvenir of the Armistice Page with Stamps
TURKEY 1869 5pi Blue Multiple IMPERFORATE BETWEEN Error Sc 24 MLH/MNH
Turkey 1950 Aviation Society Labels Set of 8 Blocks of 4 MD Nos. 10-17 MNH
Turkey / Ottoman Empire 1910 1pi on 5pi Treasury TAX Revenue MD No.13 Used
TURKEY 1928 200g Second Izmir Exhibition Issue Sc 672 VFU
TURKEY 1876 25pi Claret and Rose PERF 11 1/2 Crescent Issue Sc 58var VFU
Turkey 1919 50pa Offset of Overprint Perf. 12 1/2 Armistice Issue Sc 555a MLH
Turkey in Asia 1925 20pa Smyrna Harbor Sc 79 X3 on Cover Erenkeuy to SF USA
TURKEY IN ASIA 1922 25pi Snake Castle Adana Pictorial Sc 84 VFU
TURKEY IN ASIA 1921 1pi on 1pi Overprinted Revenue for Postal Use Sc 54 VFU
Turkey / Ottoman Empire 1910 2pi on 10pi Treasury TAX Revenue MD No.15 Used
TURKEY IN ASIA 1922 1pi Selim Mosque Adrainople Pictorial Sc 80 MANISSA cxl VFU
TURKEY 1916 20pa Occupation of Sinai Peninsula Issue JERUSALEM 6 Cxl Sc 342 VFU
TURKEY 1967 Complete EUROPA Semi Postal Set on U/A Cachet FDC Sc B120-B121
Turkey 1964 Official Set of 9 Sc O89-O97 MNH
TURKEY OTTOMAN EMPIRE c1900 Black on Greenish White Parcel Receipt Card Unused
TURKEY 1869 10pa Dull Violet Sc 20 with DERALIYE Postmark Used
Turkey 1934 SS Resolute Around the World Cruise Cover Port of Call Istanbul
Turkey / Ottoman Empire 1891 10pa Receipts Revenue MD No.5 VFU
TURKEY 1869 5pi Blue Crescent and Star Issue Sc 24 MH
TURKEY 1876 20pa Red Violet and Green Crescent Issue Sc 54 VFU
TURKEY 1908 1pi Bright Blue Sc 135 with USKUB GARE Postmark Used
TURKEY OTTOMAN EMPIRE c1900 Black on Pink Parcel Receipt Card Unused
Turkey 1965 Europa Set Sc 1665-1666 MNH
TURKEY IN ASIA 1922 50pi Parliament at Sivas Pictorial Sc 85 VFU
Turkey 1968 Europa Set Sc 1775-1776 MNH
TURKEY 1915 1pi Ultramarine Sc 331 Block of 4 with BEIRUT Postmark Used
TURKEY 1975 EUROPA Set Sc 2004-2005 on Cachet FDC U/A
Turkey 1973 Europa Set Sc 1935-1936 MNH
HATAY 1939 10s on 20pa Kemal Ataturk MISPLACED Surcharge Issue Sc 1 MNH
Turkey 1972 Europa Set Sc 1907-1908 FDC
TURKEY 1876 1pi Yellow Crescent and Star Issue Sc 44 MH
Turkey 1969 Europa Set Sc 1799-1800 MNH
TURKEY 1956 Red Crescent Flag Postal Tax Stamp DOUBLE PERF Sc RA187B MH
TURKEY 1969 Regional Development Set Sc 1813-1815 MNH
TURKEY 1958 OFFICIAL STAMPS Ministry of Agriculture Cover to USA
Turkey 1967 Official Set of 3 Sc O107-O109 MNH
Turkey 1973 Europa Set Sc 1935-1936 FDC
TURKEY 1901 1pi Blue Sc 113 with DAMAS SYRIA Postmark Used
TURKEY 1977 Kemmal Ataturk Set Sc 2060-2061 MNH
TURKEY 1965 TOBACCO CONGRESS Semi Postal Set Sc B110-B113 MNH
TURKEY 1976 10L Society for the Protection of Children Charity Label VFU
TURKEY 1983 75L+10L Harmful Insects Semi Postal Sc B200 MNH
TURKEY 1967 Turkish Olympic Competitions Se-tenant Pair Sc 1743a MNH
TURKEY 1957 Turkish-American Collaboration Anniversary Set Sc 1246-1247 MNH
TURKEY 1983 View of Istanbul Pictorial Sc 2266 MNH
TURKEY 1952 1k on 3k Red Crescent NURSE W Children Postal Tax Stamp Sc RA156 VFU
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