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Harry Patsalos Philatelics offering a range of worldwide stamps and covers for your collecting needs. Always happy to answer any philatelic related questions about my stock and service.
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Liechtenstein 1977 Treasures Set Sc 617-620 MNH
GREAT BRITAIN 1987 Sir Isaac Newton Set Sc 1172-1175 MNH
YEMEN 1966 Anti Tuberculosis Set Set Scott No. 218-218A MNH
UKRAINE 1998 Famous Ukrainians Strip Sc 318a MNH
RUSSIA USSR 1991 Gagarin SPACE Inscription Souvenir Sheet Sc 5977c MNH
RUSSIA USSR 1991 Gagarin SPACE Souvenir Sheet Sc 5977b MNH
LATVIA 1940 50s ARMS Issue Sc 228 MNH
PORTUGAL 1973 8.00e Primary School Education Issue Sc 1186 MNH
EGYPT 1958 INDUSTRIES Strip of 5 in Complete Sheet of 5 Sc 451a x5 MNH
Netherlands Indies 1933 Relief for the Poor Semi Postal Set Sc B16-B19 VFU
TRIPOLITANIA 1926 Colonial Institute Semi Postal Set Sc B7-B12 MH
EGYPT 1958 10m RAMSES II Wmk 318 Pictorial Block of 4 Sc 417 MNH
EAST GERMANY DDR 1959 Mammals Wildlife Set Sc 471-475 MNH
BERLIN 1977-79 2m BOOKLET 4x10pf,2x30pf,2x50pf Sc 9N391a MNH
China PRC 1985 Zheng He'S West Sea'S Expedition Set Sc 1992-1995 MNH
ECUADOR 1939 NEW YORK WORLD's Fair Regulars Set BLKS 4 Sc 388-393 MLH/MNH
SHARJAH 1968 Winter Olympics GRENOBLE Souvenir Sheet Mi.BLK31 MNH
SHARJAH 1966 John F Kennedy Memorial IMPERF Souvenir Sheet Mi.BLK20B MNH
ROMANIA 1982 European Cultural and Economic Sheet Set Sc 3068-3069 MNH
ROMANIA 1991 BIRDS Sheet Set Sc 3681-3682 MNH
Romania 1991 Butterflies Sheet Set Sc 3696-3697 MNH
ROMANIA 1996 Automobile Cars Sheet Set Sc 4132-4133 MNH
MAURITIUS 1982 5r on 15r POSTAGE DUE Block of 4 Sc J19 MNH
ROMANIA 1986 European Flora And Fauna Sheet Set Sc 3343-3344 MNH
MAURITIUS 1982 1.50r on 1.50r POSTAGE DUE Block of 4 Sc J18 MNH
COLOMBIA 1951-54 A for AVIANCA Airmail Set Sc C208-C216 MNH
ROMANIA 1984 Romanian Olympic Medalist Sheet Sc 3230 MNH
Romania 1987 Traffic Safety Set Sc 3495-3500 MNH
ROMANIA 1989 Rescue and Relief Services Set Sc 3555-3562 MNH
ROMANIA 1996 ATLANTA OLYMPICS Souvenir Sheet Sc 4098 MNH
Romania 1989 Cartoons Set Sc 3575-3582 MNH
ROMANIA 1998 Festivals and Holidays EUROPA Set Sc 4193-4194 MNH
Romania 1995 Fowl Birds Set Sc 4025-4030 MNH
Romania 1984 WWF Pelicans Birds Set Sc 3232-3235 MNH
Romania 1994 WWF Fish Set Sc 3954-3957 MNH
Romania 1989 Philexfrance 89 Set Sc 3587-3592 MNH
ROMANIA 1989 PHILEXFRANCE 89 Souvenir Sheet Sc 3593 MNH
ROMANIA 1989 First Moon Landing Anniversary Airmail Set Sc C278-C283 MNH
ROMANIA 1986 Folk Costumes Set Sc 3423-3428 MNH
ST KITTS 1982 $2.00 Scout Merit Badges Gutter Pair Sc 101 MNH
Romania 1987 Handball Championships Set Sc 3444-3449 MNH
Romania 1987 ART Paintings Set Sc 3437-3442 MNH
HAITI 1962 Anti Malaria Tete Beche TRIANGLE Airmail Set Sc C188-C190 MNH
ROMANIA 1995 Famous Romanians Set Sc 4017-4021 MNH
ROMANIA 1994 Chinese-Romanian Philatelic Exhibit Set of 2 + Label Sc 3959a MNH
HUNGARY 1961 2fo Race Horse IMPERFORATE Sc 1411 Footnote MNH
ROMANIA 1984 13th Party Congress Souvenir Sheet Sc 3229 MNH
Romania 1995 Buildings Set Sc 4033-4037 MNH
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