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Gibraltar 432 150th Anniv Police Force 37p single MNH 1980
Guernsey 561 MS561 Agricultural & Horticultural Society souvenir sheet MNH 1992
Guernsey 651c Christmas Bygone Toys Bear in Rocking Chair 13p single MNH 1994
Guernsey 651e Christmas Bygone Toys Spinning Top 13p single MNH 1994
Gibraltar 312 Discovery of the Skull Three People 10p single MNH 1973
Guernsey Flowers Single Anemones 4p single MNH 1992
Gibraltar 390 Amphilex Our Lady of Europa 6p single MNH 1977
Gibraltar 393 Christmas Rubbens The Annunciation 3p single MNH 1977
Gibraltar 390-392 Amphilex set 3 MNH 1977
Guernsey Flowers Single Spray Rose 20p plate single UR 1A MNH 1992
Guernsey Flowers Single Anemones 4p plate single UR 1C MNH 1992
Guernsey Flowers Single Spray Carnation 40p plate single UR 1C MNH 1992
Gibraltar 433-435 Europa Famous Personalities horz pair set 3x2 MNH 1980
Gibraltar 391 Amphilex Europa Point 12p souvenir sheet MNH 1977
Guernsey Coin Definitive 2p single MNH 1979
Gibraltar 311 Discovery of the Skull One Head 6p single MNH 1973
Guernsey Coin Definitive 1p 2p 6p set (total 3) MNH 1979
Gibraltar 433-435 Europa Famous Personalities block set 3x4 MNH 1980
Gibraltar 310-312 Discovery of the Skull set 3 MNH 1973
Guernsey 556 Christopher Columbus Portrait 23p single MNH 1992
Gibraltar 446-449 450th Anniversary of the Convent set 4 MNH 1981
Guernsey 557 Christopher Columbus Signatures 23p single MNH 1992
Guernsey 552-555 40th Anniversary of the Accession set 4 MNH 1992
Jersey 90 Aviation History Astra 5p horz pair MNH 1973
Gibraltar 392 Amphilex British Entry 25p souvenir sheet MNH 1977
Gibraltar 340-343 Military Uniforms series 7 set 4 MNH 1975
Gibraltar 342 Military Uniforms 7 The Coldstream Guards 1704 10p MNH 1975
Gibraltar 390-392 Amphilex horz pair set 3x2 MNH 1977
Gibraltar 430 150th Anniv Police Force 6p single MNH 1980
Gibraltar 450 Royal Wedding £1 single MNH 1981
Guernsey 652 Christmas Bygone Toys 24p miniature sheet 6 MNH 1994
Germany Deutsche 1961 German-American friendship cachet on Heidelberg cover
Hungary pre-cancelled lot (see picture)
Guernsey 652b Christmas Bygone Toys Teddy Bear 24p single MNH 1994
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