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D424275 Tanzania S/S MNH Trains Locomotives Railroads Imperforate - Misprint
D429485 Tanzania S/S MNH Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother
D429486 Tanzania S/S MNH World Chess Championships
D429490 Tanzania S/S MNH Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother
D429494 Tanzania S/S MNH Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
D429517 Guinea Ecuatorial S/S MNH Olympics Munich 1972 Boxing Cassius Clay
D429563 Tanzania S/S MNH 60th Birthday Queen Elizabeth II
D429566 Tanzania S/S MNH World Chess Championship
D429568 Guinea Republic S/S MNH Globe Imperforate
D429586 Tanzania S/S MNH Flowers
D429588 Tanzania S/S MNH Wild Animals
D17439 Boeing 720 B Lufthansa Lagos Airmail Cover Germany 1962
D423538 Morocco Nice selection of VFU Used stamps
D100552 Unicef Flag Series Rwanda FDC United Nations New York Bureau
D100547 Unicef Flag Series Guinea FDC United Nations New York Bureau
D100544 Unicef Flag Series Guinea Suriname Bangladesh Mali FDC
D25645 Indigenous Forests FDC Ciskei
D25672 Doves - Conquest of Space FDC Guinea Republic
D25667 Centenary David Livingstone's Death FDC Malawi
D426828 Burundi S/S MNH Easter Religious Art Imperforate
D25635 The Lord's Passion FDC Bophuthatswana
D428192 Guinea Bissau S/S MNH World Philatelic Expo - Paintings
D418387 Liberia S/S MNH UNESCO Paris 1958
D428193 Tanzania S/S MNH Commonwealth Day
D428195 Guinea Bissau S/S MNH Flowers
D428220 Togo S/S MNH UNESCO World Heritage
D428222 Niger S/S MNH Bi-Centenary USA
D428236 Chad S/S MNH Bicentenary of the Revolution Imperforate
D428237 Comoro Islands S/S MNH Bicentenary of the Revolution
D428181 South Africa S/S MNH Frans David Oerder Paintings Art
D428226 Chad S/S MNH International Year of the Child
D428206 Guinea Republic S/S MNH Red Cross Imperforate
D428183 Ghana S/S MNH Christmas 1984
D416120 Tanzania S/S MNH World Food Day FAO
D428179 Tanzania S/S MNH Prehistoric Animals
D418384 Liberia S/S MNH Declaration Of Human Rights - United Nations
D428180 Guinea Bissau S/S MNH Birds
D416121 Togo S/S MNH Insects Coleopteres
D418386 Liberia S/S MNH UNESCO Paris 1958
D428246 Guinea Bissau S/S MNH Dogs
D428238 Madagascar S/S MNH Bicentenary of the Revolution - Sailing Ships
D428247 Tanzania S/S MNH Audubon Birds
D428251 Chad S/S MNH Famous People Aviation Bleriot
D428248 Guinea Bissau S/S MNH Philatelic Exposition Brazil 1989
D428252 Tanzania S/S MNH Flowers
D428240 Eritrea S/S MNH Olympics Los Angeles 1984 Imperforate
D428310 Ghana S/S MNH World Cup Soccer Munich 1974
D428284 Guinea Ecuatorial S/S MNH Classic Cars
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