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Niue Sc 122-131 1969 Flowers stamp set mint NH
Papua New Guinea Sc 301-304 1970 Birds of Paradise stamp set mint NH
Solomon Islands Sc 557 1986 Electrification stamp sheet mint NH
British Solomon Islands Sc 254-258 1973 Musical Instruments stamp set mint NH
Christmas Island Sc 89 1979 Year of Child stamp strip mint NH
Papua New Guinea Sc 297-300 1970 History stamp set mint NH
Papua New Guinea Sc 291 1969 ILO 50th Anniversary stamp mint NH
Solomon Islands Sc 627-630 1986 Lloyds of London Anniversary stamp set mint NH
Solomon Islands Sc 341-344 1976 Airplanes stamp set mint NH
Papua New Guinea Sc 148-149 1961 Legislative Council stamp set mint NH
Fiji Sc 818 1998 RAF 89th Anniversary stamp souvenir sheet mint NH
Norfolk Island Sc 384a 1986 AMERIPEX 86 stamp sheet mint NH
Papua New Guinea Sc 176-177 1963 South Pacific Games mint NH
Fiji Sc117c ½ d G VI & Outrigger perf 14 stamp mint
Niue Sc 116-119 1967 Niue overprints on New Zealand stamps stamp set mint NH
Vanuatu Sc 627 1994 Hong Kong Exhibition stamp sheet mint NH
Australia Sc 713-18 1979 Birds stamp set mint NH
Solomon Islands Sc 368 1978 Coronation Anniversary QE II stamp sheet mint NH
Solomon Islands Sc 426-29 1984 Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union stamp set mint NH
Solomon Islands Sc 450-452 1981 Royal Wedding Prince Charles stamp set mint NH
Norfolk Island Sc 565 1994 Sea Birds stamp strip mint NH
British Solomon Islands Sc 109 1963 Freedon From Hunger stamp mint NH
Papua New Guinea Sc 631 1985 Post Office Anniversary stamp sheet mint NH
Christmas Island Sc 359c Year of Dog Melbourne stamp sheet mint NH
Australia Sc 575 1981 $2 Painting Wallaby Track stamp mint NH
Christmas Island Sc 178a 1985 Christmas stamp strip mint NH
Papua New Guinea Sc 228-231 1966 Flowers stamp set mint NH
Papua New Guinea Sc 225-227 1966 South Pacific Games stamp set mint NH
Norfolk Island Sc 534-37 1993 Emergency Services stamp set mint NH
Niue Sc 371a 1983 Commonwealth Day stamp block of 4 mint NH
Papua New Guinea Sc 305-310 1970 Australia Airplane Service stamp set mint NH
Cocos Islands Sc119-120 1984 Malay Settlement AUSIPEX stamp set mint NH
Papua New Guinea Sc 508-511 1979 IYC stamp set mint NH
Papua New Guinea Sc 570 1982 Catholic Church Anniversary stamp set mint NH
Cocos Islands Sc 126-128 1985 Crafts stamp set mint NH
Papua New Guinea Sc 441 1976 Father Ross stamp mint NH
Christmas Island Sc 218-21 1988 Settlement of Island stamp set mint NH
Papua New Guinea Sc 534-535 1981 Coil stamp set mint NH
Christmas Island Sc 363 1994 Orchids stamp set mint NH
Christmas Island Sc 350-53 1993 Scenic Views stamp set mint NH
Papua New Guinea Sc 571-574 1982 Commonwealth Games stamp set mint
Papua New Guinea Sc 311-314 1970 Sciences Conference stamp set mint NH
Papua New Guinea Sc 328-331 1971 South Paciific Games stamp set mint NH
New Zealand Sc 844-845 1986 International Peace Year stamp set mint NH
Samoa Sc 805-09 1992 40th Anniversary QE II stamp set mint NH
Tuvalu Sc 136a 1980 London 80 stamp show stamp sheet mint NH
New Zealand Sc 880-882 1987 Christmas stamp set mint NH
Cook Islands Sc 368a 1973 Christmas, Paintings, stamp sheet mint NH
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