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Cook Is 339-45 MNH 1973 Coins (an3113)
Papua New Guinea 257-60 MNH 1968 set (ak4357)
Guinea 325-27 and C56 MNH 1964 John F Kennedy (an3395)
Germany 1505-06 MNH 1987 Europa (ak7133)
Bulgaria 3551-56 MNH 1990 Butterflies (ap7093)
Russia 4776-80 MNH 1979 Birds (an8211)
Canada 146 MLH 1927 issue (ak7139)
Guernsey 356-61 MNH 1987 set (ak7126)
Guernsey 346 MNH 1986 Christmas sheet of 12 (ak7130)
Guernsey 347 MNH 1987 Duke of Richmonds Survey (ak7127)
Guernsey 367-71 MNH 1988 Ships (ak7123)
Monaco 1028-29 MNH 1976 Olympics (ak4727)
Guernsey 362-66 MNH 1987 John Wesley (ak7124)
Guernsey 336-41 MNH 1986 Sports (ak7161)
British Virgin Is 309-10 MNH 1976 American Bicentennial (ak7169)
Cook Is 319-22 MNH 1972 Apollo (ap2547)
Guernsey 325-29 MNH 1986 Naval Battles (ak7162)
Sierra Leone 1958 MNH 1966 Arions Escape (an8744)
Sierra Leone 1934 MNH 1996 Daughter of the Sea Dragon (an8308)
Sierra Leone 1940 MNH 1996 How the Whale Got Its Throat (an7627)
Laos 788-94 MNH 1987 Ships (ak2608)
Jordan 533-33B MNH 1966 Christmas (ak1852)
Guernsey 319 MNH 1986 Christmas sheet of 12 (ak7167)
Lesotho 403-06 MNH 1983 Manned Flight Bicentennial; (ap2098)
Pakistan 719 MNH 1989 Bears (fe9730)
Niger 1011 MNH 1999 Parrots (an2466)
Zambia 466-69 MNH 1989 Bats (an7749)
Guinea Bissau 786A MNH 1989 Soccer (ak3083)
Canada 92 Used 1903 issue (ak7136)
Zanzibar 218-21 MNH 1944 set (an7602)
Laos 715-21 MNH 1986 Pheasants (ak2985)
Tanzania 1334 MNH 1995 The Beatles (ap2785)
Canada 198 Used 1932 issue (ak7140)
Laos 355-60 MNH 1982 Elephants (an8070)
Egypt 569a-73a MNH 1962 set (ak5831)
Barbuda 238-43 MNH 1976 Birds (an9875)
Tanzania 1396-1402 MNH 1995 Bats (ap7081)
Canada 242 MH 1938 issue (ak7141)
Canada 93 Used 1903 issue (ak7137)
Guinea Bissau 627-33 MNH 1985 Motorcycles (an7804)
Canada 93 Used 1903 issue (ak7138)
Tanzania 1439C MNH 1996 Elvis Presley (ak2156)
Senegal C40a MNH 1964 John F Kennedy sheet of 4 (an3363)
British Virgin Is 595-602 MNH 1988 Titian Paintings (an4810)
Germany B820-24 MNH 1977 Windmills (ak7131)
Bhutan 655-64 MNH 1989 Olympics (an6681)
Canada 151 MLH 1928 issue (ak7132)
Papua New Guinea 610-13 Used 1985 set (ak6796)
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