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Scott #1281 Untagged Scarce MINT NEVER HINGED Single Precanceled "CHICAGO IL"
Scott #1281 Untagged MINT NEVER HINGED Single Precanceled "NEW YORK NY"
Scott #1281 Untagged SCARCE MINT NEVER HINGED Single Precanceled "SEATTLE WASH."
Scott #1282 Untagged Scarce MINT NEVER HINGED Single Precanceled "ROCKFORD ILL."
Scott #1282 Untagged Scarce MINT NEVER HINGED Single Precanceled "DENVER COLO."
Scott #1282 Untagged Scarce MINT NEVER HINGED Single Precanc. "EVANSVILLE IND."
Scott #1282 Untagged MINT NEVER HINGED Single Precanceled "BOSTON MASS."
Scott #1282 Untagged Scarce MINT NEVER HINGED Single Precanc. "JERSEY CITY N.J."
Scott #1282 Untagged MINT NEVER HINGED Single Precanceled "NEW YORK N.Y."
Scott #1282 Untagged MINT NEVER HINGED Single Precanceled "NEW YORK NY"
Scott #1282 Untagged MINT NEVER HINGED Single Precanceled "CLEVELAND OHIO"
Scott #1282 Untagged SCARCE MINT NEVER HINGED Single Precanceled "KNOXVILLE TN"
Scott #1282 Untagged MINT NEVER HINGED Single Precanceled "DALLAS TEXAS"
Scott #1282 Untagged MINT NEVER HINGED Single Precanceled "RICHMOND VA."
MISPERFORATED PNC3 Sct #2913, 32c Flag over Porch, Pl# 11111 Shiny Gum Mint, NH,
Scott # 1907 18c SURREY PNC5s, Complete SET of 18, QUALITY! Cat.-$205.00
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ALL 15 LIBERTY FOREVER BOOKLETS, CB20, ATM & Vending-Flawless! MNH Cat. $379.60
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MISPERF! SCARCE KEY to Set PNC5 Sct #1901a--Plt #5, 5.9c Bicycle, MNH Cat $75.00
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SCARCE PNC5 Scott #1908--Plate #11, 20c Fire Pumper, VF-XF MNH Cat $50.00
SCARCE PNC5 Scott #1908--Plate #1, 20c Fire Pumper, VF MNH Cat $55.00
Scott #1057a Single--Small Hole, Dry Printing--2022 Sup 98 MNH-2025 SMQ $55
Scott #2115b Pl#2 SCARCE 22c Flag/Capitol WIDE & TALL Block Tag VF MNH, Cat $225
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SCARCE PNC 8 Scott #3017a, 32c Holiday Issue, Plate V1111, F-VF MNH Cat. $35.00
Scott # CVP31b, CVP33 Computer Vended PNC5s Plate #1 and #11, VF MNH Cat $43.50
IMPERFORATE ERROR Pair, Scott #2256a, 8.4c Wheelchair with 2009 PF Certificate
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MISPERFORATED FREAK Coil Pair Scott #2280--BLOCK Tagging SHIFT, Mint NH
Sc #2523,a,c.d Flag/Rushmore EFO, Color & Tagging Study Group--Misperfed/Imperf
IMPERFORATE & MISCUT Pair Scott #2523a, 29c Flag over Mount Rushmore, Mint, NH,
Pairs Scott #2523, 2523c "Toledo Brown", 29c Flag over Mount Rushmore, Mint, NH,
IMPERFORATE ERROR Strip of 6, Scott #2130b, 10.1c Oil Wagon w/ Precancel-NO #
DIE-CUTTING OMITTED + MISCUT ERROR Pair, Scott #3281a, Type I, MNH, Cat. $30
DIE-CUTTING OMITTED + MISCUT ERROR Pair, Scott #3281a, Type I, MNH, Cat. $30
Scarce Die-Cutting Omitted Error Pair, Scott #3281E, Type II, Mnh, Cat. $????
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MISPERFORATED (MIS-Die-Cut) Scott #3829A, 37c Snowy Egret, Ashton Potter Mint NH
Scarce Die-Cutting Omitted Error Pair, Scott #3981A, Mnh, Cat. $150.00
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Scott# 3207, (5c) Non-Profit Org. Wetlands Coil PARTIAL DOUBLE BACK #, Mint NH
IMPERFORATE Scott #2609a, 29c Flag over White House, Mint, NH,
IMPERFORATE Scott #2913a, 32c Flag over Porch, LOW GLOSS Gum Mint, NH,
IMPERFORATE & MISCUT Scott #2913a, 32c Flag over Porch, LOW GLOSS Gum Mint, NH,
IMPERFORATE (NO Die-Cut) Scott #2915Ah, 32c Flag over Porch, Mint NH, CAT $32.50
MISPERFORATED (MIS-Die-Cut) Scott #2915A, 10 x 10, 32c Flag over Porch, Mint NH
IMPERFORATE Scott #2603a, (10c) Eagle and Shield, Shiny Gum, MNH
PNC 5 Scott #5657, (58c) 2022 Forever Flags, Plate #P1111, VF MNH Cat. $8.75
Scott #3633--2002 37c Waving Flag PNC5 Plate #B1111, VF MNH Cat $5.00
Scott # CVP31 Indicia MISSING ERRROR, PNC5s Plate #1, DULL GUM, VF MNH
Scott #3633B--37c Waving Flag KEY TO SET PNC7 Plate #P1111, VF MNH Cat $68.00
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Scott #3632C--2004 37c Waving Flag PNC7 Plate #S1111, VF MNH Cat $11.50
Scott #3633A--2003 37c Waving Flag PNC5 Plate #B1111, VF MNH Cat $12.50
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