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Tunisia- Algeria- Morocco - Libya - Egypt - Palestine - Arab countries
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2018- Libya - 3rd National Stamp Exhibition- Stamp on stamp- Full sheet MNH**
2014- Tunisia- Tunisie- The Tunisian Constitution adoption- Flag- Maxicard
Sudan - Soudan - Woman - Entier postal - Postal stationery - Rare- ( 10.7cmX7cm)
2001- 2003- Tunisia- Postal stationary- Entier postal - bird - Oiseau
2017- Tunisia- 20 years of Stamp Manufacturing at the Tunisian Post Printing
2018- Libya - 3rd National Stamp Exhibition- Stamp on stamp- Compl.set 1v MNH**
2018- Libya - 3rd National Stamp Exhibition- Stamp on stamp- FDC
2001- Egypt- The 100th Anniversary of Postal Savings Bank - Complete set 1v MNH
1976 - Libya - The National People's Congress - Complete set 2v.MNH**
1970 - Algeria - Algérie - Day of the Stamp - Postman - Car - Donkey - FDC
2016- Libya- The second national stamp exhibition- Complete set 1 V MNH**
1982 - Morocco- The 30th Anniversary of Arab Postal Union - Flag - Block 4 MNH**
2018- Libya - 3rd National Stamp Exhibition- Stamp on stamp- Block of 4. MNH**
2003-Tunisia- Tunisie - Flower Myrte commun– Entier postal/ Postal stationery
2006- Tunisia- Postal stationary- Dialogue among Civilizations and religions
2007- Tunisia- Postal stationary- Entier postal - Saharan Tourism- Camel
2003- Tunisia - Tunisie - Mosaics - Mosaiques - 2 Postals stationary - 2 entiers
2003- Tunisia - Tunisie - Postal stationary - Entier postal - bird - Oiseau
2002 - Tunisia- Postal stationary - Saharan Tourism (Fantasia)- Riding- Horse
2004 - Tunisia- Tunisie - Postal stationary- Entier postal - Birds - Oiseaux
1968- Spain- España- Stamp world day- Stamp on stamp - Complete set 2v.MNH**
1982 - Morocco- The 30th Anniversary of Arab Postal Union - Flag - Set 1V.MNH**
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