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AUSTRALIA Very large grouping of Mint & Used varieties
Austrlia Antarctica. 1971-72 Sc #L19-20 (12 Cplt), L21-22 (6 Cplt)
AUSTRALIAN ANTARCTICA 1979-2006 Scott #L35-135 Complete. Cat $334.
Australian Antarctica : 1966-8. SG #8-18. 5 Sets, VF, MNH Cat £210
AUSTRALIA Grouping of almost all VFMNH Some Better. Scott Cat $736
AUSTRALIAN ANTARCTICA 1973-2006 Scott #L23-135 Complete. Cat $348.
NEW SOUTH WALES 1852-55 Scott #14 All appears to be reprints VFMNG
AUSTRALIA 1915 Scott #39 Very Fine, Mint Original Gum. Cat $140.00
COCOS ISLAND Nice group of all VF Mint NH Defins Complete Cat $352
SOUTH AUSTRALIA 1906 Scott #144 Blk of 19 Fresh & VF MNH Cat $194
AUSTRALIA ANTARCTICA 1995 Scott #97a, b & c VF, Mint NH. Cat $112.
New South Wales 1889-90 Scott #78, 79, 81, 82 VF, MOG. Cat $141.00
NEW SOUTH WALES : 1854-55. Scott #31 Very Fine, Used. Cat $200.00.
CHRISTMAS ISLAND 1988 Sc #211a Wildlife 4 Cplt sets VFMNH Cat $440
NEW SOUTH WALES 1854-55 Scott #29 Very Fine, Used. Choice Cat $125
AUSTRALIA 1929-34 Scott #C1-3, CO1 Very Fine, Mint OG. Catalog $69
AUSTRALIA 1929-31 Scott #C1, 2, 5, 6 Also CO1 VF, Mint OG Cat $63.
CAROLINE ISLANDS 1899 Scott #4a Very Fine, Used. Catalog $150.00.
AUSTRALIAN ANTARCTICA 2001 Scott #L117. 4 sheets. VF MNH. Cat $114
NEW SOUTH WALES 1854-55. Sc #28-29 VF, Used. Both Choice. Cat $275
AUSTRALIA 1931-37 Scott #C3, 5 Blocks of 4 Fresh & VF MNH Cat $198
QUEENSLAND 1903 Scott #125B Lithographed. Very Fine, Used. Cat $92
AUSTRALIA : 1913. SG #4-15, 19. All Fresh. VF, Mint OGH. Cat £193.
AUSTRALIA : Nice selection of Coil pairs. All VF Mint Never Hinged
TUVALU Beautiful VF MNH collection of all Diff Cplt sets Cat $460.
AUSTRALIA 1929-56 Scott #C1(7x), C7 All Mint NH. Catalog $120.00.
AUSTRALIA 1936-37. Stanley Gibbons #161-63, 174 VF, MNH. Cat £77.
AUSTRALIA 1938 Scott #J64-68, 70 All VF, Mint NH. Catalog $257++
AUSTRALIAN ANTARCTIC 1974-81 Sc #L37-52 Ships 30 Cplt set Cat $415
AUSTRALIA 1929-30 Scott #97-98 Very Fine, Mint OGH Catalog $145.00
AUSTRALIA 1913 SG #O2, 3, 5(2x), 10 All Very Fine, Used. Cat £148.
AUSTRALIA 1929-56 Scott #C1-3, 5, 7 All Very Fine, MNH. Cat $94.00
AUSTRALIA ANTARCTICA 1995 Scott #L97a & b VF, Mint NH. Cat $72.00.
AUSTRALIA Scott #178-79, 218-21 Very Fine, Used. Catalog $99.85.
CHRISTMAS ISLAND & COCOS Collection of Cplt VFMNH sets Sc Cat $247
AUSTRALIA Scott #165, 184-87 Very Fine, Mint NH. Catalog $83.50.
AUSTRALIA : 1932. Stanley Gibbons #128 Gutter Strip of 4. VF MOG H
AUSTRALIA Sc #142//65 VF, Used group of 4 Diff Cplt sets. Cat $243
AUSTRALIA 1934 Scott #C4 Very Fine, Mint Never Hinged. Catalog $97
CHRISTMAS ISLAND 1985 Sc #162-73 Shellfish Blks of 4 VFMNH Cat $97
AUSTRALIA Scott #2-6, 10 Very Fine, Used. Catalog $120.75.
AUSTRLIA ANTARCTICA 1957-73 Sc #L1-7, 19-34 Cplt Blks MNH Cat $204
TUVALU Nanumea 1985 Scott #29-32 Cats Scarce collection All VF MNH
AUSTRALIA First Aerial Post stamp. Appears to be Reprint. VF, MNH.
AUSTRALIAN ANTARCTIC 1979-82 Sc #L35-36(80 sets), L53-54(40 sets)
AUSTRALIA 1953 Scott #J82 Very Fine, Used. Unusual Gutter Blk of 8
COCOS ISLAND 1990-91 Sc #228, 236 The 2 Key Values VF MNH Cat $200
AUSTRALIA : 1970. SG #SB48a. 2 VF MNH Complete Booklets. Cat £130.
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