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South Africa 1982 SAL FFC
Soutth Africa Transvaal KEII Postal card to Scotland
Mauritius: London 1953 Qantas FFC
South Africa 1931 Registered cover piece to Australia
South West Africa 1937 2 KGVI FDSC's to England
South Africa 1976 SAL FFC
South Africa 1949 FDC 2 Registered to Ausralia
Transvaal 1909 Reg. Cover to USA (reduced at left) Scarce
South Africa 1976 SAL FFC
South Africa 1982 SAL FFC
South Africa 1954 cover to Australia
Ghana 1984 Sc 927-930 FDC
South Africa 1953 FD cover to Australia
Gambia 1984 Sc 525-518 FDC
South West Africa 1924 Sc J18,19 MNH
Mauritius QV Cover one Shilling Unused
South Africa 1977 two Registered cover to Australia
Rhodesia & Nyasaland Scarce 2 high values to USA
South Africa 1936 JIPEX frank Sc 72-3 cover
Rhodesia & Nyasaland commeral cover to Ohio USA
Ghana 1958.5.26 Sc 25-27 FDC
Rhodesia & Nyasaland commeral cover to England
Southern Rhodesia mint post card OurRef:1597
Sierra Leone 1959 Air Letter Aerogram to London
Namibia 1991 Sc 694-697 FDC MNH
Gambia KGVI mint Aerogramme
South Africa 1943 Censor cover to Australia
Lesotho 1973 Butterfly FDC
Gambia 1976 Sc 341-344 FDC
Mauritius 1991 Registered cover to Australia
Sierra Leone Aerogramme piece to USA
Namibia 1991 Sc 696 FDC
Mauritius 1985 Sc 613-616 FDC
Uganda 1983 Sc 371-374 FDC
South Africa 1982 SAL FFC
South Africa 1933 Sc B1-B4 set FDC to Scotland
South Africa 1977 SAL FFC
South Africa 1938 Sc 79-80,B5-8 set FDC
South Africa two Registered cover to Australia
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