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Collit Shop
The company Coll.it Srl was born in Rome in 2011 and is based in Rome in Via Stresa, 134, deals with the sale and purchase of collectible items with particular interest in stamps and postal history.
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Emis. Generali - Garibaldi + Cyrenaica on envelope by air from Tobruk
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1933 Scented Calendar - Women of Our Colonies Series
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Syracuse Lire 90 variety notching strongly shifted in both directions
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Savonarola on envelope Venetia Venezia
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Umberto I. Lire 2 Vermilion No. 43 Great Used Ann. Original
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Lilac and Lilac Grey Watermarkless Magnifier, Not Serrated
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Woman in Art Euro 0.45 Variety Shifted Notching
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Filiberto Cent. 30 mixed notching 11 x 13, 3/4
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Cent. 50 pairs horizontal with left shift overprint
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Lombards Variety Shifted Black Print
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Florence Cent. 25 Strongly Shifted Overprint Variety Band
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Postal Packages Lire 2 Knot with horizontal notching moved down
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Double-sided print watermark magnifier 3
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Castelli Lire 850 Variety Yellow Print Heavily Shifted
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Food Program Unique Variety Horizontal Notching
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AMG. VG. - Cent. 20 with double overprint moved
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Woman in Art Euro 0.85 Variety High Value and ALIA Instead of ITALY
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Postal Packages Lire 3 Varieties Notching
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Ethiopia - Vitt. Emmanuel III. Cent. 75 pair on air envelope
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War Propaganda Cent. 25 on envelope rec.
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Turin/Rome Airmail Special Postcard No. CPC 1
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Postal Packages Lire 20 Varieties Comb Jump
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TriesteA-B.P. Lire 10 Democratica n. B 1 (sopr. A+B) New
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Lire 2 tax markers three copies with the number 2 on the left
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Helicopter Messina/Reggio Calabria - Two airograms per flight
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Italy FDC Venetia vintage 2011 practically complete - READ DESCRIPTION
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Somalia Afis - Cent. 1 black + accessories on envelope for Damascus
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Italy FDC Venetia 1960 Syracuse travelled Racc. for Italy
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Episcopate series on postcard
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Italy FDC Venetia 1959 Europe Travelled Racc. for Italy
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Italy FDC Venetia 1959 Untraveled Stamp Day
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First Flight Alitalia Buenos Aires Rome 17.6.6
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Italy FDC Venetia 1960 Europe Travelled Racc. for Italy
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TriesteA- C.P. L.15 Democratic No.C10 Large Overprint
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Italy FDC Venetia 1960 Syracuse travelled Racc. for Italy
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Italia FDC Venetia 1961 Unità d'Italia untraveled
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Italia FDC Venetia 1961 Anno Paolino travelled Racc. for Italy
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Italy FDC Venetia 1961 EUROPE untraveled
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Italy FDC Venetia 1961 EUROPE travelled Racc. for Italy
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Castelli Lire 800 varieties Lire 800 below
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AMG. VG. - Imperial Cent. 10 double overprint including one flipped
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Michelangelo Lire 5 Varieties Horizontal Displaced Notching
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C.P. Lire 8 Democratica n. C 134 - New
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Aircraft Builds Variety Red Print Much Weaker Than Normal
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Michetti Cent. 15 varieties not serrated
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ichelangiolesca Lire 70 variety strongly displaced notching
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Brotherhood Cent. 75 three copies in US envelope
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Italy FDC Venetia 1961 Stamp Day untraveled couple
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