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SAINT HELENA 1922 1d gray and green fine mint - 41971
MALAYAN STATES British Military Administration: 1945 (19th Oct) First - 41279
British Commonwealth King George Sixth printed album - 41711
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POSTAL HISTORY 1857 Seven stampless covers from same correspondence - 38035
British Commonwealth useful mint and used collection - 42314
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BRITISH GUIANA 1931 (21 July) First Day Cover 2c - 38104
EUROPE - Collection in six Lighthouse, Lindner, KA-BE - 36541
ASCENSION 1949 P.14 1½d black and – 39951
REVENUES & CINDERELLA Federated Malay States: Revenue; 1926-28 Wmk - 38714
MALAYAN STATES Federated Malay States: Revenue; 1926-28 Wmk - 38715
NEW HEBRIDES HARRISON & SONS Souvenir pres card specially printed - 15170
SAINT HELENA 1916 WAR TAX 1d + 1d black and - 8252
MALAYAN STATES Postmarks: Federated Malay States 1922-34 Tiger - 42257
MALAYAN STATES Straits Sett.: 1939 Die II 5c brown - 41806
ASCENSION 1938 P.13 ½d black and violet - 42258
BRITISH GUIANA 1856 (7 April) Entire Letter Berbice to - 40456
UN 1960 Twenty-two covers from various counties commemorating - 24982
ASCENSION 1934 (30 Oct) 1d & 8d on regd - 41397
ASCENSION 1924-33 3d blue mounted mint pair - 42052
SAINT HELENA 1871 1s deep green unused no gum - 39668
OMNIBUS 1937 Coronation collection of First Day Covers - 42288
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MALAYAN STATES FMS: 1926 (22 Feb) 4c red Tiger - 42573
POSTAL HISTORY - ZEPPELIN MAIL 1930 (May 22) Europe Pan America Round - 32705
SCANDINAVIA - Approx 2400 different mint and used - 36925
SAINT HELENA Attractive mint and unmounted mint (few earlier - 33747
SCOTT PRINTED dilapidated album for A to Z World 1956 - 1959 - 37343
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ASCENSION 1927 Badge of St Helena 5d purple - 41725
MALAYAN STATES 1912 King Edward VII postal stationery cover - 24328
NEW HEBRIDES FDCs small illustrated range including 1953 Coronation - 6199
POSTAL HISTORY CRIMEA WAR: 1855 July. Double sided letter - 70304
BRITISH LEVANT 1893 Roughly handstamped 40pa on ½d vermilion - 38026
UNITED NATIONS 1955 Tenth Anniv. of U.N imperf miniature - 37160
SAINT HELENA 1922-37 Wmk MSCA 1d gray and - 41999
TRANSJORDAN 1930 Emir Abdullah 500m brown and £P1 - 36205
POSTAL HISTORY MILITARY MAIL: WWI & WWII selection of covers - 70851
TRISTAN DA CUNHA Cover to the UK bearing GB 1937 - 41276
POSTAL HISTORY CRIMEA WAR: 1855 August. Three page letter - 70305
SAINT HELENA 1937 Paquebot cover with Capetown PAQUEBOT roller - 42625
ASCENSION 1935 Silver Jubilee 5d green and indigo - 70330
ASCENSION 1924-33 1d grey black and deep - 42051
INDIAN STATES Gwalior: Officials 1941 1a on 1a3p mauve - 40487
BRITISH GUIANA Useful collection from QV onwards with better - 42151
OMNIBUS 1937 Coronation sets in unmounted mint blocks - 40117
Postal History 1916-18 Present Location Uncertain Three WWI - 41267
BRITISH GUIANA 1931 (21 July) First Day Cover envelope - 38105
BRITISH GUIANA 1931 (21 July) First Day Cover envelope - 38103
BRITISH LEVANT Postal Stationery: GV 4½ PIASTRES overprint on - 70501
NEW HEBRIDES 1956 (20 Oct) Illustrated First Day Cover - 41203
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