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O) 1924 - 1950 Circa, Uruguay, Olympic Games - Victory of Samothrace, Symboli
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MI) 1868 Peru, SEA Mail Letter to Italy, Callao/GB/France, With Several
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O) Uruguay, CI DA Perfins, Cinderellas, Yerba Oneto, Jabon DE Afeitar Aroma
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MI) 1936 Costa Rica, Letter Sent From SAN Jose to Newark N.Y - United States,
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MI) 1894 Ecuador, Cover to Valparaiso, Chile Bearing Single Franking 10c,
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MI) 1941 China, Cover Circulated From Shanghai to New York, AIR Mail, With Cance
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MI) 2024 Mexico, Maya Train Folder, XF
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O) 2017 Uruguay, LA Cumparsita Tango - Dance, Musical Instruments, Gerardo Mato
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MI) 1933 Costa Rica, Letter Sent From SAN Jose to the United States, Number 6411
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MI) 1994 Azerbaijan, Ships, Map, Sheet With 3 Stripes of 5, Scott 437, MNH
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MI) 2023 Faroe Island, Tribute to Martin Mörck, Painting, Artist and Engraver
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MI) 1903 Panama, Postal Stationary, 2c + 2c, Black on Yellow Buff Postal Station
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MI) Shanghai, Postcard, Nanjin - Road, Sent to New York -
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MI) 2024 Mexico, Cover Circulada, Tren Maya, Fdc, Tenabo, X
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O) 2016 Uruguay, Diplomatic Relations With Germany, Viticulture, Wine-Growers,
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MI) 1999 Azerbaijan, Centenary of the Azerbaijan Stamp, Perforated and
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O) 1930 Uruguay, Original Vignette, World Football Championship, MNH
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MI) 1914 Salvador, Spanish Artistic Postcard, Sent to New Orleans, Morada
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MI) 2017 Arab Emirates, National Happiness and Positvity Program, Memory Sheet,
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MI) 2024 Myanmar, Anniversary of the Universal Postal Union U.P.U, Sheet With
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O) 1915 Uruguay, Liberty Head 2c Red, Postal Stationery Circulated to Kansas, M
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O) 2021 Uruguay, Trifolium Pratense Bombus Bellicosus, Bumblebee - Insect, Benef
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O) 1998 Uruguay, Diana Princess of Wales, Protective Clothing, Blouse, SCT B1
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O) 1993 Uruguay, WWF - World Wildlife Fund, Ostrich, TWO Walking, Head, FDC X
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O) 2024 Uruguay, America Upaep, Philately and Stamps, Post Stamps, MNH
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MI) 2023 United Arab Emirates, Union DAY of the Stamp of Yesterday, Today
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MI) 2013 Azerbaijan, Lighthouses, Souvenir Sheet, MNH
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O) Uruguay, Postal Stationery 10 Centesimos - Scale, Vessel, Horse, Cattle - SY
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O) 2016 Uruguay, Enriqueta Compte Y Rique. Lancers of Aparicio, ART Gabriela ACE
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MI) 2024 Arab Emirates, XV Anniversary of the Dubai Metro, Souvenir Sheet, With
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O) 2024 Uruguay, the National and International Folklore Festival, Dance - C
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MI) 2024 Arab Emirates, XV Anniversary of the Dubai Metro, Souvenir Sheet, With
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MI) 2024 Mexico, Cover Circulada, Tren Maya, Fdc, XF
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MI) 1938 Usa, Sent to Brooklyn - New York, First Flight MAY 19, 1930, New York
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MI) 2021 Arab Emirates, Inauguration of the Khor Fakkan Amphitheater, AL Sayed
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MI) 2019 Arab Emirates, Anniversary of the National Chamber of Commerce,
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O) 1903 Uruguay, Postal Stationery 5 Milsemos Blue, REP. O. DEL Uruguay, Circula
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MI) 2018 Arab Emirates, 25th Anniversary of the "Tawazun" Economic Council,
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MI) 2010 United Arab Emirates, Joint Issue South Korea, 30th Anniversary of the
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P) 1971 Uruguay, Uruguayan Presidents, State Leaders, SET of 5 Bulletin, XF
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O) 2023 Uruguay, DR Jorge W. Larragaña, Lawyer and Politicians, Personalities,
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MI) 2015 Azerbaijan, the "Penny Black". Great Britain, 1840, Anniversary Stamp,
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MI) 2014 Azerbaijan, Oil, 20th Anniversary of the Signing of the Contract
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O) 2014 Uruguay, ART - Painting, Pablo Picasso, Souvenir MNH
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MI) 1999 Argentina, New Millennium. Popular Music "Tango" Painted by Carlos Nine
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RO) 2006 Uruguay, World Cup, Germany 2006-Football- Souvenir MNH
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MI) 2015 Azerbaijan, RCC Issuance, Architecture of the Capitals, Nizami Street
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O) 2023 Uruguay, Anniversary of the Grand Orient of the Freemasonry of Uruguay,
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