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U.S.-Scott #733, Byrd Antarctic Expedition II, Plate Block , MNH CV $15.00
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U.S.-Scott #4806, $2 , Inverted Jenny Reproduction , MNH CV $4.00
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U.S.-Scott #1303, 4c Lincoln, Joint Line Pair, MNH CV 75c
U.S.-Scott #735, Bryd Antarctic Expedition , MNH NGAI CV $10.00
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U.S.-Scott #4806, $2 , Inverted Jenny Reproduction , MNH CV $4.00
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France-Scott #2101-04, MNH, Complete Set of 4 Precancels, CV$4.95
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France-Scott #2736, MNH, Gathering of Tall Ships, CV$6.50
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France-German Occupation-Scott# N18, 10c on 10pf, used CV $2.00
France-German Occupation-Scott# N16, 5c on 5pf, used CV $1.25
Great Britain-Scott #28, 1sh Victoria , used CV $300.
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Great Britain-Scott #26, 4p Victoria , used CV $125.00.
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U.S.-Scott #2592, $5 Geo. Washington & Andrew Jackson PB , MNH CV $40.
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U.S.-Scott #481, 1c Washington, Plate Block , MNH CV $45.
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U.S.-Scott #688, Braddock's Field, Plate Block , MNH CV $40.
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U.S.-Scott #689, General Von Steuben, Plate Block , MNH CV $25.00
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U.S.-Scott #734, Kosciuszko Plate Block , MNH CV $28.00
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France-Scott #3303a, Souv. Sheet, MNH CV $2.50
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France-Scott #3259a, Complete Booklet Pane of 10, MNH CV $30
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France-Scott #840-844, MH, Galic Cocks of 1957, CV$31.00
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U.S.-Scott #1305C, $1 Eugene O'Neal, Joint Line Pair , MNH CV $9.50.
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France-Scott #1138a, French Satellite A-1 , MNH CV 65c
France-Scott #1569, Block of 10 , used CV $2.50
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France-Scott #3310a, Sheet, MNH CV $60
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France-Scott #912, MH, Galic Cocks of 1959, CV$3.25
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France-Scott #2726, MNH, World of Old Roses Competition, CV$5.50
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France-Scott #2302, MNH, First French Republic, Bicentennial, CV$1.10
France-Scott #2050-53, MNH, Complete Set of 4, Mushrooms CV$6.15
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France-Scott #2031-2034, Partial Set, Tourist Issue of 1987, MNH, CV $5.25
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France-Scott #B481a, MNH, 1975 Complete Booklet, CV$4.75
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France-Scott #2395, MNH, European Stamp Expo, CV$12.00
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France-Scott #2444, MNH, European Stamp Expo, CV$10.
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France-Scott #2685a, MNH, Christmas & New Years, CV$6.50
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France-Scott #2259, MNH, French Revolution, Bicentennial, CV$4.50
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France-Scott #2232, MNH, French Revolution, Bicentennial, CV$4.50
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France-Scott #B28-30, MH, Semi-Postal Overprints, CV$98.00
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France-Scott #2368-71, MNH, Musical Instruments, CV$6.40
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France-Scott #B505-10, MNH, Semi-Postals, CV$2.40
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France-Scott #2397a, MNH, Pair of 2396-97, Louvre Museum CV$3.50
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France-Scott #2455-57, MNH, Partial Set, Art Series of 1995 CV$9.00
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France-Scott #2030, Tourist Issue of 1987, Used
France-Scott #B37 Semi-Postal, MNH, Overprint of A22, CV $190
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France-Scott #2O21-23, MNH, Official Stamps, CV$1.85
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Marshall Islands--Scott #699, Great American Indian Chiefs, MNH, CV $14.50
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St. Vincent--Scott #444a, Presidents of USA, MNH, CV $2.75
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Nicaragua--Scott #C879a, Spirit of '76, Imperforate, MNH, CV $3.50
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Nicaragua--Scott #C879a, Spirit of '76, Perforated, MNH, CV $3.50
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Bermuda--Scott#332a, 200th Annv of Gunpowder Plot, MNH, CV $4.50
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Guernsey--Scott #319, Christmas Gift Bearers, MNH, CV $4.00
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