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Transvaal 1906, KE-VII 4p, Plate Block of 10, Scott # 273, VF-XF MNH**OG
Turks Islands 1895, Victoria 4p Block of 6 w/control #,Scott # 53,VF MNH**OG
Turks Islands 1893,Victoria 2½ Penny Block of 6,Scott # 52,VF MNH**OG
Turks Is 1889, Victoria 1p Block Perf 14, wmk Crown CA, Sc # 45, VF MNH**OG
Turks Islands 1882,Victoria Half Penny Vert Pair w/Control #,Sc # 48a,VF MNH**
Turks & Caicos Islands 1923, King George-V, Scott # 45/-/56, 12 stamps, VF MLH*
Gold Coast 1938-1941, 5/ Shillings, Better value, Scott # 126,VF MNH**OG
South Africa 1938-39,Cachet Cover, Illustrated Voortrekker,Paris,Vf
Dominica 1883-1889, Victoria, # 19+21/23, VF MLH* (RMD-8)
Turks Islands 1889, Victoria 6 Pence Block of 9, Scott # 46, VF MNH**OG
Jamaica From 1860 to 1970 ,lot of 45+ Stamps,Mint*/Used (GLN-1)
Malta 1903, KE-VII, 2 1/2p, Scott # 24,VF Mint Hinged*OG, (MT-1)
Barbados 1882 Victoria Sc # 63-63a, All 3 Color Variety, VF Mint Hinged*OG
Gold Coast 1940, 10/ Shillings, Better value, Scott # 127,VF MNH**OG
British Central Africa 1896, 3/Sh, Scott # 38, VF Mint Hinged* (R-4)
British Central Africa 1903 KE-VII, 4/sh, Sc # 66,VF Mint Hinged* (R-4)
St. Helena 1879-1889, 6p, Specimen, VF Mint Hinged*OG (R-4)
Gibraltar 1942,KG-VI, 2sh, Perf.14 Scott # 115a,VF MLH*OG (BL-II)
Barbados 1950, $1.20 Map of Barbados, Scott # 226 VF Mint Hinged OG (BC-1)
Sarawak 1934, 2c Green, Perf 12, Scott # 110,VF MVLH*OG (A-8)
Mauritius 1893, Victoria, w/Overprint slightly shifted to the left Sc # 90,MLH*
Fiji 1961, 10/ Shilling, Scott # 174,VF-XF MNH**OG (MB-8)
Morocco Agencies 1948,KGVI Olympic Omnibus Issue,Blocks Sc 95-98,VF MNH**(Lot-1)
Postcard 1920-30 Port Said, Egypt, Harbor, Panorama, L.L. See Scans !
Fiji 1954-56, Set Scott # 147-162,VF MLH*OG (BL-II)
Tristan da Cunha 1953, # 25-26 Better Values, VF MLH* , €85 (DAU)
Jamaica 1956 Arms of Jamaica, High Values 4 stamps ,Scott # 171-174 VF MNH**OG
Straits Settlements Malaya 1938, KG-VI, $2, Scott # 251,VF MNH**OG (STP-1) V$60+
Grenada 1937 FDC, May 12 1937 Coronation Set on Cover, Registered mail,VF !!
Postcard Oudjda Morocco, The Great Mosque Minaret of Jamaa el Kebir, LL,Unposted
Barbados 1948 Silver Wedding Scott # 210-211,VF-OG Mint Lightly Hinged (BC-1)
Malaya Pahang 1892-95, Set Scott # 11-13,Mint Hinged* (RN-4) SCV$25
Swaziland 1889, Overprinted 1/ sh, Scott # 5,VF MLH*OG
Gibraltar 1942,KG-VI, 1sh, Perf.14 Scott # 114a,VF MLH*OG (BL-II)
Barbados 1948, Silver Wedding Issue, Scott # 210-211, VF MNH**
Bahrain 1948,KGVI Olympic Omnibus Issue,Corner Blocks Scott # 64-67,VF MNH**
Postcard 1920-30 French Port Said, Egypt, Harbor, Panorama, L.L. See Scans !
Postcard 1909-12, French Port Said, Egypt, General View, L.L. See Scans !
Postcard Oudjda Oujda French Morocco, The Terraces and a Street, VF Unposted !
New Zealand 1959,Queen Elizabeth-II,8p,Scott # 312,VF MLH*
Montserrat 1943 ,2sh6p Scott # 100 VF Mint Hinged*OG (BC-1)
Morocco Agencies 1948,KGVI Olympic Omnibus Issue,Blocks Sc 95-98,VF MNH**(Lot-1)
Postcard Oudjda Morocco, Street of Sidi Zian & Moor Bath, Minaret, VF Posted L.L
Kenya Uganda Tanganyika 1935, KG-V, Scott # 46, VF MNH**
Postcard Meknes Morocco,La Medina,Entree de la Ville,Sultan Hotel, LL,VF Unused
Postcard, Polar Bear and her Cub Sleep, National Geographic Issue, VF
Postcard 1924 French Port Said, Egypt, Main St. Shops, Businesses, See Scans !
Trinidad 1906, 6p, # 97, VF MH*
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