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Canada 1982 SET of 35 Stamps, Sheet & S/S MNH
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Canada 1989 Complete Year SET of 45 Stamps MNH
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Canada 1952- 1955 SET of 4 Official Stamps Ovetprinted MNH
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Canada 1967-1976 SET of 33 Stamps & Pane of 16 Stamps MNH
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Canada 1983-1991 SET of 26 Stamps MNH
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Canada 1967-1968 SET of 2 Booklets MNH
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Canada 1979-1980 Aviation SET of 8 Stamps MNH
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Canada 1935- 1959 Small Collection SET of 7 Stamps & Bookl. Pane of 5 Stamps MNH
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Canada 1870-1882 Queen Victoria SET of 7 Stamps Used/Hinged
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Canada 1985 SET of 3 Booklets MNH
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Canada 1952 Canadian Goose SET of 6 Official Stamps Ovetprinted MNH
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Canada 1981 Paintings SET of 3 Stamps MNH
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Canada 1986 Birds SET of 4 Stamps MNH
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Canada 1977 Flora/Wild Flowers SET of 6 Blocks of 4 Stamps MNH
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Canada 1987 SET of 3 Booklets MNH
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Canada 1967-1971 SET of 7 Booklets MNH
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Canada 1983 SET of 3 Booklets MNH
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Canada 1990 SET of 6 Booklets MNH
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Canada 1911-1925 King George V SET of 21 Stamps Used/Hinged
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Canada 1988 SET of 4 Booklets MNH
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Canada 1977-1981 SET of 31 Stamps MNH
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Canada 1928-1932 King George V SET of 18 Stamps Used/Hinged
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Newfoundland 1890-1928 SET of 27 Stamps Mint & Used/Hinged
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Canada 1953 SET of 4 Booklets MNH
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Canada 1989 SET of 7 Booklets MNH
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Canada 1969 Complete Year SET of 17 Stamps, Booklet Panes & Booklet MNH
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Canada 1903 King Edward VII SET of 4 Stamps Used/Hinged
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Canada 1928-1929 SET of 5 Stamps Used/Hinged
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Canada 1906-1928 SET of 11 Stamps Used/Hinged
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Canada 1927 SET of 5 Stamps Used/Hinged
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Canada 1932 SET of 3 Stamps Used/Hinged
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Canada 1875-1922 Special Delivery & Registration SET of 4 Stamps Used/Hinged
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Canada 1964 Complete Year SET of 25 Stamps & 2 Booklet Panes MNH
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Canada 1953 Complete Year SET of 22 Stamps & 3 Booklet Panes MNH
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Canada 1927 SET of 3 Stamps Used/Hinged
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Canada 1966 Complete Year SET of 14 Stamps & 2 Booklet Panes MNH
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Canada 1962-1963 SET of 22 Stamps, 5 Booklet Panes & Booklet MNH
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Canada 1930 SET of 5 Stamps Used/Hinged
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Canada 1967-1971 SET of 26 Stamps & 3 Booklet Panes MNH
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Canada 1972-1976 SET of 18 Stamps, Booklet Pane & 2 Booklets MNH
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Canada 1990 SET of 65 Stamps MNH
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Canada 1967 SET of 12 Stamps & Pane of 25 Stamps MNH
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Canada 1994-1998 Paintings SET of 3 Stamps MNH
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Canada 1991-1994 3 Booklets With Pane of 5, 10 & 12 Stamps MNH
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Canada 1971-1972 Years SET of 7 Stamps & 5 Booklets MNH
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Canada 1990 Souvenir Booklet With 4 Panes of 8 Stamps MNH
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Canada 1965 Complete Year SET of 10 Stamps & 2 Booklet Panes MNH
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Canada 1962-1963 SET of 11 Stamps MNH
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