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Sale of stamps of Serbia and the rest of the world.
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Bosnia-Shs Yugoslavia - Used+Mh Stamp, 60/50h - Diferent Color - 1918.
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Finland - MNH LOT of 8 Stamps - 1946.
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Finland - MNH LOT of 4 Stamps - 1944.
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Finland - MNH SET - 1943.
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Portugal - MNH SET - Children - 1962.
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PORTUGAL - MNH SET - Lisnave Shipyard - 1967.
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Finland - MNH LOT of 10 Stamps + 3 MH Stamps - 1980.
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SERBIA-INDIA-MNH pair-Joint issues-Nikola Tesla Swami Vivekananda-2018.
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Finland - MNH LOT of 15 Stamps - 1967.
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Yugoslavia-Mnh Pair, 0.60/2.50din - Error on Overprint, Damaged "6" - 1983.
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Yugoslavia-Mnh Pair, 0.60/2.50din - Error on Overprint, Damaged "0" - 1983.
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Finland - MNH LOT of 13 Stamps - 1955.
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Yugoslavia-Mnh Pair, 0.60/2.50din - Error on Overprint, Black DOT - 1983.
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Finland - MNH LOT of 8 Stamps - ONE Stamp MH - 1948.
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Finland - MNH LOT of 4 Stamps - 1951.
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Finland - MNH LOT of 5 Stamps - 1964.
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Finland - MNH LOT of 7 Stamps +Strip of 5 Stamps - 1972.
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Finland - MNH LOT of 21 Stamps - 1983.
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Italy - MNH Block of 4 Stamps, 30 L - Marca DA Bollo - Revenue
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Finland - MNH LOT of 15 Stamps + Booklet - 1982.
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Finland - MNH LOT of 18 Stamps + Folded Block From the Booklet - 1979.
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Serbia MNH Block-14Th Anniver. of the Serbian-American Diplomatic Relations-2021
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Bosnia-Mnh** Set-Motorcycle-2008.
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Finland - MNH LOT of 12 Stamps - 1961.
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Finland - MNH LOT of 6 Stamps - 1942.
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Finland - MNH LOT of 22 Stamps +Strip of 5 Stamps - 1973.
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Finland - MNH LOT of 12 Stamps - 1957.
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Finland - MNH LOT of 13 Stamps - 1974.
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Finland - MNH LOT of 15 Stamps - ONE Stamp MH - 1947.
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Finland - MNH LOT of 18 Stamps - 1956.
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Finland - MNH LOT of 14 Stamps - 1950.
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Finland - MNH LOT of 9 Stamps - 1945.
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Finland - MNH LOT of 15 Stamps - 1981.
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Bosnia- SHS - Used Stamp, 5h -Error, Damaged Number "8" on "1918"- 1918. (1)
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Finland - MNH LOT of 20 Stamps - 1976.
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Finland - MNH LOT of 16 Stamps - 1965.
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Macedonia-Yugoslavia-Mnh Block, RED Cross-Error, Double Perforation, Horiz-1991
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Macedonia -Yugoslavia - MNH Imperf. Block, RED Cross-Error, Moved Printing-1991
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Finland - MNH LOT of 21 Stamps - 1977.
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Macedonia-Yugoslavia-Mnh Block, RED Cross-Error, Double Perforation, Horiz-1990
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Macedonia-Yugoslavia-Mnh Perforated Block, RED Cross-Error, Moved Printing-1991
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Germany OCC Serbia-Mnh Block of 12 Stamps Monastery, 1 Din, Mi. No. 72b - 1942.
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Yugoslavia-Mnh Stam, 0.60/2.50din - Error on Overprint, Double Overprint - 1983.
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Germany OCC Serbia-Mnh Block of 10 Stamps Monastery With Bridge (Zw) Right-1942
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Germany OCC Serbia-Mnh Block of 10 Stamps Monastery With Bridge (Zw) Left-1942
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Yugoslavia - 2 MNH Pair's, RED Cross - Color Error - 1950.
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Finland - MNH LOT of 15 Stamps - 1971.
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Serbia-Mnh**-S/S-Tennis-Davis Cup-Djokovic-Zimonj-2010.
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