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Greece 1991 ATM Frama Hellas-Cyprus Philatelic Exhibition MNH
Hellas Verona Football Booklet - Cat. Unified LC 1/23 - Only 24 existing
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1996 EUROPE CEPT Greece/Hellas 1 Mini Sheets 8 copies MNH**
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1998 EUROPE CEPT Greece/Hellas 1 Minifoil 8 val MNH**
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Greece - #1074 Costume - Sterea Hellas - Used
Greece Thrace 1920 Hellas 68b Overprint inverted Genuine MNH VF RARE.
Hellas Catalog of Greek Postage Stamps 1986
Greece 1912-3 Limnos ovrpnt. 1L (Hellas 304A) block MNH VF.
Greece Crete 1901 Small HELLAS on Postage Due Full Set MNH VF.
Italy, The 120th Anniversary of the Hellas Verona FC MNH / 2023
Greece 1974 Scott 1125 used - Regional costumes, Sterea Hellas
Epirus 1914 Prov Gvmt Infantry Man Sc 5-6 Hellas 5a-6a IMPERF BLOCKSx50 MNH+
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Greece 2007 Hellas - Spain joint issue (Spain version) MNH XF.
Greece Ionian isl. 1941 Corfu ovrpnt (Hellas 3) Genuine MH VF.
Greece Crete 1908 Small HELLAS overprint 10l missing "E" error Used VF.
Greece Ionian isl. 1941 Isola ovrpnt (Hellas 149) Genuine. MNH VF.
Early Vintage (1910?) France Advertising Poster Stamp Hella Sleeve w/Metal Head
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Greece 1912-3 Limnos ovrpnt. 1L (Hellas 301a) block MNH VF.
Greece 1912-3 Limnos ovrpnt. 1L (Hellas 300b) block MNH VF.
Greece Ionian isl. 1941 Zante ovrpnt (Hellas 297). As it is MNH VF.
Greece 1912-3 Limnos ovrpnt. 1L (Hellas 300a) block MNH VF.
Greece 1912-3 Limnos ovrpnt. 1L (Hellas 305ha) block MNH VF.
Greece Crete 1908 Small HELLAS overprint 1l Inverted ovrpnt. error MNH VF.
Greece Ionian isl. 1941 Corfu ovrpnt (Hellas 2) Genuine MH VF.
Greece Crete 1909 Gothic HELLAS overprints issue 5d MNH VF.
Greece Ionian isl. 1941 Zante ovrpnt (Hellas 283). As it is MNH VF.
Greece 1912-3 Limnos ovrpnt. 1L (Hellas 304a) block MNH VF.
Greece 2009 Hellas Distinctions for Basketball issue 3 Blocks MNH XF.
Greece Crete 1909 Gothic HELLAS overprints issue 10l inverted ovrpnt. MH VF.
Greece Crete 1908 Small HELLAS overprint 50l Inverted ovrpnt. error MH VF.
Greece Crete 1909 Large HELLAS on Postage Due with Diamond perforation MNG VF.
Greece Crete 1908 Small HELLAS overprint 1l "ΕΛΛΔΣ" instead "ΕΛΛΑΣ"error MNH VF.
Greece Crete 1908 Small HELLAS overprint 5l Inverted ovrpnt. error MNH VF.
Greece Crete 1908 Small HELLAS overprint 3d MH VF.
Greece Crete 1910 Large HELLAS Official stamps with Diamond Perf. MNG VF.
1943 Spalato Italy Cover Forwarded to Ferramonti Internment Camp Hella Mayer
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2007 GREECE SET Hellas - Spain joint issue MNH G33-
2007 GREECE SET Hellas - Spain joint issue MNH G32-
Greece Crete 1908 Small HELLAS overprint 10l Inverted ovrpnt. error Used VF.
GREECE Sc 13 Hellas 13IIb Yvert 14A ULTRA "ATHENS" CANCEL €95.00
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4415 Hellas Greece Cat Used 22 Postcard-
Greece Thrace 1920 Hellas 111b block Overprint inverted Genuine MNH VF RARE.
Greece 2007 Hellas - Armenia joint issue MNH VF
Greece 2005 Hellas European Basketball Champion MNH VF.
Greece 2007 Hellas - Spain joint issue Block MNH XF.
Greece 2004 Hellas Soccer European Champions 2004 MNH VF.
Greece Thrace 1920 Hellas 81b Overprint inverted Genuine MNH VF RARE.
Greece Sc 14a Hellas 14ia Mauve Syros Numeral 67 Cancel Scv$600.00
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