ID: 64641654
1945 INSELPOST Leros bl4 d. 13 3⁄4 MNH Sass. n. 8
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MyTimeSas (355)
1945 Occupazione Tedesca dell'Egeo INSELPOST, francobollo azzurro emesso per la corrispondenza delle truppe tedesche che, sopraffatti i presidi italiani, si impadronirono delle Isole dell'Egeo. Emissione di Leros, e ... Read More
Item Specifics
- Country
- Italy
- Condition
- Mint (NH)
- Stamp Format
- Single
Item Description
1945 Occupazione Tedesca dell'Egeo INSELPOST, francobollo azzurro emesso per la corrispondenza delle truppe tedesche che, sopraffatti i presidi italiani, si impadronirono delle Isole dell'Egeo. Emissione di Leros, eccezionale blocco angolare di quattro alto sinistro comprendente tutti e quattro i differenti tipi di soprastampa esistenti per questo valore, soprastampa a mano in violetto a mezzo di una rulletta, perforato a zig-zag e dentellato 13 3⁄4. 1 quartina nuova, perfetta senza linguella con allegato dettagliato certificato CILIO. Catalogo Sassone n. 8, Euro 44000,00++.1945 German Occupation of the Aegean INSELPOST, light blue stamp issued for the correspondence of the German troops who overran the Italian garrisons and took over the Aegean Islands. Leros issue, exceptional upper left corner block of four including all four different types of overprinting existing for this value, hand overprinted in violet by a roller, perforated in zig-zag and perforated 13 3⁄4. 1 block of four new, perfect, mint and never hinged with detailed CILIO certificate enclosed. Catalogue Sassone no. 8, Euro 44000.00++.
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ID: 19650
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- Seller
- MyTimeSas (355)
- Registered Since
- 03/03/2022
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- My Time Sas
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- Item Location
- Italy, Italy
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- We ship worldwide by registered mail. Shipping costs, both for single or multi-item orders, are $ 9 for domestic shipping within Italy and $ 13 for the rest of the world. Shipping is free for orders over $ 220. Orders will be shipped in suitable packaging to ensure the best protection of the purchased items.
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