Order cancelled because of vacation settings
Lby Levon Alyanakyan ·I had posted a discount for two #2544A Blocks a while ago. This was a mistake, the discounts were supposed to be for two #2538 sheets. I am not sure whether it was my error, or a hip stamp error, but -
Best places to buy accumulations?
Hby Henry Brooks ·My recommendation was based more on experience of watching the dealers I bought from operate at the end of shows (I seldom had that kind of cash). They would buy out the entire stock of dealers who ti -
Relaxation of TOS suspensions during crisis
Question re: Scott Classic Specialized
Rby Richard Pauls ·For your example, Scott does not differentiate other than for color, with two colors listed for #25 and four colors listed for #26. #26 also has tete beche pair listed. -
Question re: Scott Classic Specialized
Rby Robert Welander ·If someone has copies of both the standard and the specialized, a simple test would suffice. Scott #25 and #26, the Napolean III perf 14 x 13½, each have one primary listing, and one add'l listing fo -
Can you identify this cancellation?
Dby Dave Loving ·These are #251 pairs, can anyone tell me about the cancellations? -
Hi, I think this is a #250 The Scott specialized has a issue date Oct 1894. this one is NOV/12/1894
by Michael Generali ·At the bottom of the listing for each catalog number is the earliest documented use. For #248 it is October 16, 1894. For #250 it is October 11, 1894; #250a (rose color) it is October 13, 1894. -
Hi, I think this is a #250 The Scott specialized has a issue date Oct 1894. this one is NOV/12/1894
Rby Richard Willis ·Can anyone tell me what the earliest date is -
Face Value of USPS yearbooks
by Ken Wensley ·1995 Hard Cover, #2587, 2876, 2948, 2950-2958, 2961-2968, 2973a, 2974-2992, 2997a, 2999-3007, 3019-3023 -
Part II - The IPDA Who are we? Why are we? Are you ready to be a Member.
by Lee J Coen ·member #251-- -
Hard Times
cby chris eaborn ·"Great Britain #258 1/2P King George 6, used EGRADED VF". This is an example of what I mean by USELESS! "EGRADED" is totally pointless. This stamp has a TRUE value of just 15c but -
Sold stamps still showing up for sale
Rby Richard Willis ·My last sale US. #2540 used block is still listed on bidstart but not on Hipstamp m