A Christmas Story
Christmas day I was lounging around doing nothing when my computer said "You have an Offer:. It was a good offer and I accepted it. Then guilt set in, I had a sale all set up to start that night at midnight. So....I raced to the invoice and edited it to reflect the future sale price. I sent a message explaing what I had done. Within minutes I had a payment from the customer AND an additional sale from him. More guilt (Italians are BOTH passionate and racked with guilt - Italian grandmothers...). SO, I went to PayPal and sent a refund to reflect the percentage off. Sent another email. More Guilt. I went back to HipStamp and edited the Promotion to start RIGHT NOW. Within a half hour or so I had another sale - the same customer - and it was a VERY nice sale.
Moral of the story - Not only is honesty the best policy but also listen to your grandmother!
Moral of the story - Not only is honesty the best policy but also listen to your grandmother!