Actually, the randomness of the free associations can be entertaining and wild . The one thing you don’t want to be labeled with is just “ sour” or cranky . And stay within the boundaries of politeness and you’ll swim freely in this occasionally off-kilter sea of quirky collectors .
To some minds, hobbies are by definition a waste of time. To my mind, social media is certainly a waste of time, but without ways to waste time, we'd all lose our minds....
Actually, cellulitis of the navel , also known as omphalitis can be caused by the excoriation of lint in the navel , so not so much a waste of time ( and more info than you ever wanted to know )… but in case you’re on Jeopardy some day …
Kathi - I agree 100%
The seller that did not pay is now banned from Hip and I finally got the refund a week later.