Another short timer lesson learned in a recent Newfoundland small collection
I won an Ebay auction for a small collection of "mint" 1800s- early 1900s stamps. They were all mounted on album pages, and every page was photographed, so you got a good look at the front. Obviously, you could not see the rear as they were hinged to the page,They are really fine stamps, bright, clean colors, decent centering etc. When I received them, I started listing stamps a page at a time. The earliest stamps in the first few pages were hinges over an older hinge remnant. I can usually remove a hinge pretty easily. If I'm having any difficulty, I stop and leave the remnant there. However, I found it damn near impossible to remove the original hinge rem, after removing the top one. I thought this would be an issue only with older stamps. However, it now appears that most in the collection are like that. As soon as I saw the first several stamps like this, I should have contacted the dealer and requested I be allowed to return for a full refund. I think I'm too far in now, and will have to the list maybe all the stamps as hinge rems. The ad described the collection as "mint", and mounted on Harris pages. I realize the term "mint" is kinda freely used, But I think the seller should have indicated the stamps were "remounted". The seller is not new....thousands of positive reviews. Going forward, I need to pay further attention. I'm hoping the Hinge Remnant in my description doesn't hurt value greatly. Honestly, I almost don't feel listing any more of them. Damn!
Would the seller have known that the stamps had been remounted? Would they have had to remove the stamps from the page to know that?
Hopefully, the stamps will sell for their pretty darn nice front side and centering.
The word "mint" seems to have changed sinnce I started in the stamp world in the 1950's. What was considered mint back then is now sometimes called unused. This oldtimer still calls a stamp with no cancel mint, and if no hinge mark, mint never hinged, no gum mint no gum, etc.
I went to a Jesuit College Prep High School and we only had to take Latin for 2 years but I still had to take a language for 2 more years which was Spanish and German. I have not had to use any of it since, LoL.