US Scott #343 thru #347 Plate Blocks

Any one have any idea on how plate blocks there are per pane of 100 for these issues?
I'm guessing 2?
For 4 panes per sheet?
For maybe a total of 8 per sheet of 400?

Actually, I probably have no idea about this, although I noticed some "Franklin TM with imprint and/or PL# blocks" for sale and I got to thinking about these "plate blocks", and how many that might have been issued.

Scott Payton, in looking at your WF Matrix spreadsheet, I didn't see any info relevant to my question, but you've done such a great job that I probably missed the relevant info...i.e.for #343.

i.e. for #343, my figures are:
Singles - 12,500,000 (estimate)
Pairs - 6,250,000 (estimate)
Blocks of 4 - 3,125,000 (estimate)
Plate Blocks - 250,000 ?? (# of singles 12,500,000 / 100 = 125,000 panes x 2 blocks/pane = 250,000 ??)

Any thoughts anyone?
Thanks in advance,



  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • HT, look at page 3 of the Taming the Beast guide. For panes of 100, you have 2 plate blocks. One on one side and one at top or bottom, depending where the pane comes from. So in a sheet of 400, yes you would have 8 plate #s on the page. Your "estimates" are maximums... I can tell you the number of PBs for these is FAR lower, because the plate #s were not kept as blocks by majority of people buying and using them. (Even Plate # singles wouldn't last, because people simply discard selvage).
    By contrast, the 523, 524, 527 have only 2 plate numbers at the top. So all PB's are from top blocks, and there are two different numbers on each sheet. You'd have even fewer PB of 8 with 2 numbers and guideline arrows.
    Remember, this will be true for all flat plate printed FWs.

    Rotary is a different issue. These were printed in sheets of 150 or 170 (and some later issues in panes of 100 and 70).
    I'll have to do some digging here, I have seen rotary press plate blocks with numbers at top, but never at sides. That is somewhat congruent with rotary printing, but I'll have to look a little deeper.
  • Thanks so much for your guidance, Scott.
    And your Taming the Beast is extremely helpful. I re-read it again late last night.
  • And you didn't fall asleep?
    Oh my...
  • Re-read it again this afternoon, and yes, it was just before my nappy time :)
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