Sold an item in June and Sold the same unique item again in November

How could an item I sold in June, show up again in my store? I did not relist it. Either HipStamp did not delete it the
first time, or you have a major bug in your system. How many more duplicate items are out there! HipStamp makes
it so difficult to get a refund on transaction fees, I think they want you to give up and just eat the fee and forget about it.


  • 32 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It can happen if you have multiple items in the listing.
  • I only had one unique item listed.
  • Welcome to my world! I get the ghosts listings all the time, and never can claim a credit!
  • I noticed this week that items r being listed twice - after listing a batch i go back and check the listing page and always find 1 or 2 items listed twice - and i know i only listed it one time - is this another bug
  • I have also had this issue of a stamp selling twice. The history of the new sale even showed the date it was previously sold. HipStamp looked into it, but couldn't explain why it happened. I simply notified the second buyer of the "glitch" and refunded his money.
  • edited December 2021 2 LikesVote Down
    I see unique items and unique lots in the revenue category are listed in duplicates plus more all over the site when i use search on hipstamp.
  • I had a buyer on November 26 who purchased two items from my store that had already been sold on HipStamp. One had sold back on November 7, 2019, and the other on April 28, 2020. I haven't had time to check my store for other previously sold listings that have come back from the grave.
  • I just received an order with 6 items sold. 3 of those items were previously sold. Up to this point, I thought someone had stolen some of my inventory but now I realize that we must have somw kind of a bug. This is starting to happen all too often.
  • I was just going to post the same problem, sold a few items two weeks ago and now they sold again. I was going to make an appointment with the Dr, thought i was loosing my mind.
  • This happened to me also.
  • And to me just this week . :/
  • Sold stamp yesterday that was originally sold 10/17/20. Filed another notice/complaint with HipStamp.
  • If the duplicate listings were not enough of a problem, not the programs have changed the new listing screen and have they made a mess of it. I guess the only thing to do is return to the classic screen permanently. It is a good thing It is a good thing I do not know of a listing company better then Hipstamp. Mt loyalty is about to end after all these years and switches. I think all their programmers should be sellers first before they are allowed to touch the program. Then they could what a mess they are making.
  • Once I have finished filling an order. I go through each and every item one by one to see if by any chance it still listed...and its not rare that it is. One reason being that when I list a new item using a previously similar item, I sometimes forget to check the quantity shown on my model item. Its even worse now with the new "improved" version because its hidden all the way down the screen. It would be so simple for a programmer to put the quantity automatically as 1, The consequence of forgetting to check would not be so frustrating
  • There should be an option to use either the new or old listing form. I tried the new form for a while and it just came up with to many errors.
    I now only use the old form but it takes for ever to load and my download speed is over 200MPS so it is not me. It is Hips server or the cloud and probably the latter.
    Please make using the old form an option.
  • edited December 2021 3 LikesVote Down
    Having hired programmers before, i can say this.. the good ones are very hard to find and expensive. :-) its like pulling teeth with them and if by rare chance they even slightly know what they are doing.. they are priced out of most people's budget. I think all of this is obvious in the fact that they have really lowered the value of this site with their incompetence and obvious total lack of skills. IF you are going to redo your site you are stuck once you hire a programmer with the site he/she builds until you fire them and start over. Plus many will build a programming code failsafe for their job security that prevents you from firing them. The disasters will really begin if you try to fire or replace the egotistical maniacal people you hired. :-) . Just my opinion.

    As far as selling here.. this site is no longer of use to many sellers that are aware of the situation with the sync and all the other issues. No Fix is in the works and "silence" is the solution hipstamp decided to go with. :-) I do still buy here occasionally. a couple years ago, i would have said this site has potential to become very popular and will grow.. not any more. I see NO future here for growth and i do see this site getting much smaller. This was all caused by BAD programming.
  • Wow, negative much?
  • I have hesitated for quite some time to comment on these issues but I will now. I'll preface by saying that I do not sync with EBay or anything else. Just don't like Ebay...never have but that's just me. So I don't have any problems with syncing since I don't anyway. Having said that, as far as HipStamp goes, I have very few issues with how the site works. It did take a little while to get used to the new listing format but now I list items just as fast or faster than I did before (and I usually list one at a time, rarely use the bulk lister although when I do, it works fine for me too). I like that fact that HipStamp is focused only on philatelic material, as opposed to EBay and others. The customers who visit this site are focused on just that, not other stuff and that means we have a focused group of potential customers.

    Their support team has been responsive to all questions I've had whether it be listing questions, sales questions, or pretty much anything else. Now, they do take a day or two to get back with me but they do. I don't imagine that there is someone just sitting there waiting for a question from Greg so they can respond to me immediately. Doesn't work that way but it works. My marketing rep has been very responsive with questions as well. Sends out a newsletter for me every two weeks or so and has also sent them out on my request to highlight new listings I wanted to focus on at the time.

    I see very little evidence myself of all the issues that folks are describing and am very happy with the site and the results I get from it.

    The default quantity on the new listing form is one. You have to change it yourself for any other quantity. There is an option to use the old form, a hyperlink at the top of the new listing form page. While there may indeed be a "bug" in having a listing sell then have it sell again, this has not happened to me once in thousands of items listed and sold in the last couple of years.

    Anyway, my two cents for what it's worth.
  • edited December 2021 1 LikesVote Down
    My post may sound bad to some here but it is very real to many sellers here and Ebay sellers are leaving here. Those that hate, been kicked off or just don't do Ebay.. i can understand your thoughts not being the same ---- and the fact is non ebay sellers have the upper hand right now due to the loss of competition with ebay new sync items that do not sync. That too will pass as stale overpriced inventory becomes the total rule of day here. The Ebay stock was the best items here, imo, as far as quality and price.
  • YES! Hipstamp is running like molasses in January in Maine. where I live. SLOW is too kind a word for it now.
  • Wayne,

    Yes it is very slow. I probably know why but I will not bear on it any more since they just do not care.
    At times it seems I am back in the '90's when all we had was dial up modems.
  • Add me to the list of sellers who has experience duplicate listings recently. I've had to tell two buyers in the last month that I was unable to ship one of their items. Very embarrassing and frustrating as I am very careful when I list. Of course it is possible that I generated the problem... but it sure doesn't feel that way
  • edited January 2022 2 LikesVote Down
    I experienced the same thing on HipComic just recently. I chalked it up as a mistake on my part, at first. But, when I examined the 2 closed listings, I saw they had the same Private ID number, and they were both listed on the same day and almost the same time. They were just 17 seconds apart. Plus, the HipComic ID numbers were consecutive.

    If I had listed these manually, (1) I couldn't have completed the second listing in 17 seconds, (2) if I had taken only 17 seconds, I doubt I would have gotten the very next HipComic ID number, and (3) the upload system is not supposed to allow a new listing with the same Private ID as an existing listing.

    So, yeah, I believe there is a gremlin in the works.
  • Add me to the list!
  • I find that the number of Previously sold items appears to be growing. I will not go to e-bay, really do not like it from a sellers point of view. Also, ebid is exceedingly hard to list stamps on. Wish we really had an alternative, but I don't see one.
  • edited January 2022 0 LikesVote Down
    A long eBay seller (1999) that quit last June because of all of the BS that was going on and I would not join Managed Payments since I have been with PayPal since 2001 and never had a problem.
    eBid does have a lot better set up because of the fact that they have a lot of different categories to list items under. I have a long time and have a seller+ account where I can list anything for free and get and I never pay more than 1 to 3% when something sells.
    I am seriously thinking about going back to eBid.
  • I just had an item that I sold a few weeks ago come up again and it sold.
    Not good having ghost listings show up.
  • This has happened to us on a MINIMUM of 6 different Sales! Yet another such annoying occurance that is not being corrected!

  • This was a problem on eBay but I do not sell there anymore because of all of the problems and when they forced me into MP I quit after 22 years.
  • Just within the last couple days I sold an item and the next day that same item sold again. I told the buyer it had sold and asked if he would like to cancel the entire order or just receive the other set of stamps and a refund. The buyer wrote back saying he would accept a couple other stamps I had listed in place of that set. We agreed and I am sending those. It makes me look bad and I don't like that feeling.
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