New HS Listing format,,,,hmmmm

Well amigos, I just sat down to list some new items and the new listing format popped up by default. I can promise you that, for me at least, there will be a learning curve. After all this time doing it one way, almost doing it blindfolded, this is different. All the categories are there, they just appear much differently. I'm not saying it is bad, just different. But it took me by surprise. I suppose I should have opted in to the beta test. I always wonder why we try to fix things that ain't broke I guess. Oh well,,,,,,,,(commas)


  • 24 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Programmers constantly make changes and update, and they know there will be bugs in the updates, so they can justify their existence. When it's good, then okay, but I hate the constant updating of phone apps, etc, just to make it look different.
  • Yeah, that is what I was thinking when I saw this. It's the same information, just looks different. Again, why "fix it" if it ain't broke???? (No place for commas here)
  • It used to be you went by the KISS rule but that has changed in recent years when some idiot IT person tries to make a change to justify their job.
  • new listing format has "no featured listing" button.the new form is not displaying this function whatsoever .starting back up on june 22,2021.i am now seeing a different form.can anybody explain?
  • It also does not seem to have a place to enter a private ID which is VERY important to me as that is how I inventory and access my items. This will not be fun if I have to go back and edit each listed item to add the private ID.
  • I'm not seeing this new format, and from what I've read here, I'm darn glad !
  • Greg, the private ID is there under Preferences
  • Hi stampers.
    Just gave the new listing a try, came to list but all i got was Item must have a valid buy now price I entered a £0.36 also .36
    Has anyone had a try?
  • Hipstamp's Mr Rosenburg ought to be (should be) notified about the "no featured listing button" not appearing on the stamp seller's listing portal..ya think? - Msg Mr Kim Edwards - Robwig5
  • Thanks Robert. I see it now. Just tiny gray font under the bigger heading.
  • Is it one page or is it multiple. I have not seen the new format but I just use list similar when putting a new listing on.
  • I use the bulk lister 99% of the time, but I went and looked just for fun. It used to be that web designers were just that: DESIGNERS. They had studied color, typography, use (and misues) of white space. It looks like this was thrown together in 15 minutes and pushed out. The tiny gray type is there, the white space is enough to light a room and it looks like somebody said "You forgot the images" so everything was pushed to the right and a big blue ugly box got pasted in.
    If the new "experience" is so wonderful, why is there a link at the top for the "classic (!) listing experience"?
  • Wayne,

    Because the new listing format is horrible.
  • Just out of curiosity, if the programmers are going to be changing the format, why can they not add the Magic Date for the new releases?

    I've asked for this feature to be updated and have not had any success. It's a pain to go back and add 2019, or 2020, or even 2021! Come on IT peeps, add that to the program. Please and Thank You.
  • All I can add is that I just don't like the new format. No need to fix what isn't broken
  • Well....while I don't much care for change for change sake, I've been using the new listing format this weekend. I'm getting used to it but I still really don't like the font colors and sizes. Maybe it's my old tired eyes but I know it's not difficult to edit the stylesheets for the webpages to make the fonts easier to see on a monitor. Sort of figuring it out though but I still maintain that the original way is easier.
  • The fonts, colors, contrast are all easy to see for high school and college computer interns.
  • This would have a good time to get Brunei out of the Middle East, and Netherlands Antilles out of Europe.
  • And maybe put Tahiti and French Polynesia on the same list...
  • Same with Reunion and St. Pierre & Miquelon. This new format reminds me of E-Bay.
  • You know....I'm not sure why there could not be the ability to enter their own countries and categories. If the seller screws it up with spelling, etc. then it's on them. For example, a topical category called "Arctic/Antarctic", "Disney", etc. Some topical collectors may search for only those kinds of terms and when they see no results, they may just move on not knowing there is a ton of this material available here.
  • I just add the topic "Elephant" for example as part of the title - it shows up in search.
  • New listing format is horrible. Hope they keep the classic.
  • I guess I have not seen it yet because I never create a listing from scratch. I always pull up a current listing and use the list similar option and just edit from there. Did they ever announce a change to this ? I like it the way it is !
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