Listing multiply copies.

It's my understanding that the owners of Hipstamp have asked sellers to not list the same type of stamp 10 times, just one listing with a quantity.
So this one buyer didn't like the stamp I sent him, as the one in the picture was sold to someone else.
Here's the discussion below.

What happened to the one I ordered that had a clean upper portion of the stamp?
You can't substitute for stamps that are purchased without some communication with the buyer!

I do have this posted,
"When there are quantities more than one, you may not get the one in the photo.
There's a good chance it will sold to someone else and you will then get the next one."
I did come across more those stamp see below. (Sent a picture of 4 stamps that I had. I do have this posted,
"When there are quantities more than one, you may not get the one in the photo.
There's a good chance it will sold to someone else and you will then get the next one."
I did come across more those stamp see below.)

"There is no equivalency between cancelled stamps.
They are unique and you cannot freely substitute them without the consent of the buyer.
This is common sense and it is the way all dealers but you are operating on hipstamp and ebay."

This part is were I have a question:
"it is the way all dealers but you are operating on hipstamp and ebay"

Is this true?


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Speaking just for myself, all of my listings say 'the stamp/s you see in the scan is/are the one/s you will receive' just to avoid hassles like this. If I have multiples of a particular stamp (and yes, its a pita), I'll only list a few of them, all separately and all individually scanned.
    I would agree with the buyer that there is no equivalency with used stamps. There are just too many variables with the cancellation (readability, placement, etc.) If I had to or wanted to, I would only list multiples under one heading if they were all mint, and the centering of each stamped matched that of the others.
    Were I in your shoes, I would refund the buyer and if the stamp wasn't particularly pricey, let him or her keep it a s a gesture of good will. There's truth to the 'buyer is always right' cliché (up to a point), and this is how trust is built and you might even keep him or her as a future buyer. All imho, of course.
  • Ray - I'm just a buyer but I too may be upset I'm also guy commented about hinges last month - you should have shown what you were going to send and let him back out if wanted - I ask for backers and in today's auction a seller showed me the backs so at least 3 stamps will sell for more than somebody wants to pay unless in my collection - i rec'd a mint, hinged trans miss stamp that was double hinged to cover tear that dealer didn't want to show - did send back thus i need backs
  • Thanks for the responses. And yes it would be "pita" to list all my used multiple stamps.
  • By the way, when I do list multiple copies I use a very generic cancel.
  • I think there was a very informative response to a similar forum question a few months ago.
    If you are listing multiple items on a single listing then the image is of the last one to be available. If there are multiple items still available then the image is typical in all respects of what will be sent and when the quantity gets down to one then the image reflects the actual item you will receive. Given there is only one image of the item available and if there are multiple items available then it is reasonable to expect that a buyer will likely not receive the item in the image. I have been using that rule for the last few years and not had any complaints on FDCs
  • Michael,
    I like that rule and will use it going forward, thank you.
  • edited March 2021 2 LikesVote Down
    I side with the buyer on this issue. Cancelled stamps are unique and you cannot freely substitute them without the consent of the buyer.
    I hope we can agree that the "actual" value of a used stamp with a catalogue value of $800 can vary significantly based on how it is cancelled. If this is true for a high value stamp, shouldn’t it also be true for a stamp listed at 10 cents?
    I always provide unique scans for the used stamps (including FDCs) listed in my store. I also provide unique scans for all mint multiples (blocks, booklet panes, etc.) when centering may affect the buying decision. I firmly believe that it is the seller’s responsibility to provide an accurate description of the item he is listing including defects that may not be obvious in a scan (hinge remnants, thins, etc.) It is the buyer’s responsibility to review the scan(s) provided for centering, pulled perfs, stains, cancellation, and other visible defects.
    For the record, I do use generic scans in many of my listings, but I only use them for low value Mint Never Hinged single stamps when I am confident that I can provide a defect free stamp with centering and appearance equal to or better that the stamp shown in the scan. Listings in which I use generic scans are clearly identified with the following disclaimer: “The scan is generic, but the stamp you receive will be fresh and clean with F-VF or better centering and no defects. The
    perfs will be well clear of the design but the margins may not be perfectly balanced.”
    I acknowledge that fact that you also use a disclaimer in your listings and may feel put-upon because the buyer did not understand it. Nevertheless, I recommend that you use this as a learning experience and adjust your listing practice. You may not find it cost effective to generate scans for the low value stamps in your inventory. If true, I recommend that you group these stamps into lots and provide a clear description and scan(s) when listing.
  • I now list items with several pics of the stamp with a mention, that the customer will receive the first one UNLES he specifically asks for the 2nd or 3rd. Once the sale is made, I remove the scan. Since I have been doing this, I never had any problems except ones recently when a customer couldn't understand why the stamp he got was not the same has the one now listed... Its lots of work but has I have now more and more of my listings with multiple scans, it gets a little faster to update the listings.
    And now, all this listings have a mention that the stamp sold will be removed and the one shown are NOT the ones he'll get.
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