U.S. Precancels

Are/were U.S. precanceled stamps "precanceled" in a post office facility or at the printers? Just curious.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • There are "Bureau" precancels (small, dark black uniform lettering that most precancels have) that were done in Washington and sent to the appropriate post offices. Then there are the local pre-cancels done at some local post offices (lettering is usually larger and in different font from the device used at the local post office).
  • And adding to Michael's comment, some of the local precancels used electroplates used at local printers, but most were devices manufactured by the government and used in the local PO. There were all different fonts used locally, but only a couple in Bureaus.

  • Hey both Michael's - thanks for the response. Now I am educated on that subject and have one of my suppliers looking for some local precancels for me. (Santa Ana, California).
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