US Post Office COVID-19 Observations

I went to my local post office (77385), and there were barely any people around and only 2 of the 5 clerks working (since there's no customers to attend to.) There was a strong Lysol-like smell all over, and one clerk walked out of the sorting room and she jokingly said she was choking on Lysol fumes. She stated that all sorting/distro facilities are being sprayed daily on incoming/outgoing mail. I don't know if she meant all local, state or nationwide facilities.
She also stated that folks should expect mail delays in the coming months (already a thing anyway.)


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Are they spraying the envelopes? If so I need to repackage the stamp orders.
  • They're not individually spraying each piece of mail, but rather the area as a whole. I'm not sure how safe it is for the postal workers; the one walking out of the storeroom was not wearing a mask, but she's usually upfront. Hopefully, the personnel inside are protected from constantly inhaling the disinfectant.
  • I would assume that most of us have a post office we frequent and have likely developed a relationship with the clerks. I would encourage you to engage them and perhaps report on your findings. I have updated my store settings to let customers know that I'll be shipping once a week on Mondays to minimize needless and/or frequent outings. Most of us and our traditional customers are very likely in the high-risk group. I would hope that any ongoing stamp shows and events are cancelled, again, given the demographics. The Asheville Stamp Club, hosted at a retirement community in NC has already cancelled all meetings for the foreseeable future for obvious reasons.
  • My post office had hand sanitizer but they ran out and could not replenish as it sold out everywhere.
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