A question for customers....
I thought I would open a new can of worms this morning and when I did, this question popped out of it (along with the worms).
With the APS store now active on the HipStamp platform along with the upcoming APS "badging" at some point, I thought that the question is both timely and relevant.
From a customer's point of view, how important is it for you to buy from an accredited dealer and why? ASDA, IPDA, APS Dealer Member, etc? I.e., dealers whose membership obliges them to follow an established Code of Ethics and certain listing policies.
With the APS store now active on the HipStamp platform along with the upcoming APS "badging" at some point, I thought that the question is both timely and relevant.
From a customer's point of view, how important is it for you to buy from an accredited dealer and why? ASDA, IPDA, APS Dealer Member, etc? I.e., dealers whose membership obliges them to follow an established Code of Ethics and certain listing policies.
Does that mean I am SOL? Or does my reputation weigh in?
professional group.
For everything else, I buy from anyone that has what I'm looking for at a good value and quality.
Does that mean that you are only deemed worthy if you are a member? Of course not. And if you've spent years building a reputation with your client base, then no sticker is going to change that. But these memberships come with many other benefits (especially ASDA, which is also the most expensive to join in this group), like joint buying power in places like office depot (useful to stamp dealers), travel and lodging discounts (useful if you do shows), listing in their website and events (essentially free publicity), they are behind you as a dealer. APS and IPDA also have their benefits, which are different from ASDA and each other, beyond just confidence for buyers.
This business, reputation is EVERYTHING.
These just let others know that your ethics are recognized, hopefully making it easier for new buyers to find you comfortably approachable. Ask yourself, "Where do my buyers/collectors" come from? (i.e. how do they find you).
Then build your relationships.
Otherwise, duly noted and is it for me the same catagory as:
- 2nd-hand nice automobile, from a old lady
- rare object from an estate