I don't usually mind the lap time skritchy skratches then nap sessions. They calm me down too. But he does usually find the time to do it when I'm actually trying to be productive...which is rare. But he's a good and judgmental cat so he's just doing his job. The second pic almost looks like Bentley himself. Did he travel to Tennessee recently?
This is Jaimie. He's a neighbor cat, and his real name is Max. Jaimie really likes Terri, he ain't got time a day for me. But he has come by for years to snack and check on Terri. We have cat doors and we let him come and go as he wants, just like our own cats.
The past couple of days Jaimie's been over here a lot. We caught him sleeping inside last night, not that it's his first time. This morning we found out why. His folks have two new kittens, and Jaimie's run away from home...
Guys, I need to tell you the truth about Jaimie. He's the neighborhood barn cat. He only got fixed during the summer. He has notches in his ears. He's bigger than he looks, he's intimidating, randomly vicious, and strong as a can opener. I've had worse cats turn into wonderful companions, but Jaimie has his own agenda and has stuck to it.
Years back, we let a mom cat live in the barn. She quickly had a litter of six. We gave two to neighbors for their barn and kept the remaining four. All of them were sweethearts. Then we had a feral cat move in. What a piece of work that one was...meaner than a junk yard dog. While I was contemplating sending her to the rainbow bridge on an express, she moved along leaving us with the nice bunch. We're clearly dog people, but the cats were fun while they were around. Sometimes I think about getting a kitten for Mouse to hang with, but I'm worried all he'll see will be a fuzzy 'snack.'
Oh, jeez. What now?
I don't know furniture from cheeseburger.
Seems I'm unable to upload her photo
The past couple of days Jaimie's been over here a lot. We caught him sleeping inside last night, not that it's his first time. This morning we found out why. His folks have two new kittens, and Jaimie's run away from home...
My Charlie. He looks very much like Bitty.