Philosophical question
I’m in the process of refocusing my US collection to plate number singles. Oftentimes I’ve found listings for several plate blocks of a particular stamp but no plate singles. My question is whether it’s “ethical” to buy a block and separate a single? It doesn’t seem right for reasons I can’t really explain other than it destroys one format for arguably lesser formats. My guess also is that it’s probably not too uncommon a practice at some level. A single has to come from somewhere. Am I overthinking this? Anyway, I would appreciate any thoughts.
Nothing unethical about it, more perhaps philosophical, as you've posted. However, consider you may be devaluing the long term value of the item.
Also, it's a little different for perforated stamps than for imperf stamps. Perforated Plate # Singles are often created when the perfs of a block become weakened (for whatever reason), and even separated. Once they are separated, the overall value as a PB is compromised, and many will separate down to a P# single at that point. But this NEVER happens with imperf blocks.
Creating a P# single from an imperf block is a deliberate act. Probably the most notable of these is the #315 (my own 315 is a P# single highly graded XF-SUP that I sought out). Someone had to decide to cut that baby loose from a block at some point. So is the P# Single more valuable than the PB, in the long run becomes one major question.
And there is 0 tracking of values for P# singles. You will have to sift through auction results by hand to find realized pricing for P# singles.
But separations take place all the time from blocks to singles, separating to P# single isn't any different. And you're not crossing any ethical lines, but it may feel VERY PAINFUL to separate a single from a block, because you can never put humpty dumpty back together again.
If you are a collector and collect plate # singles, then by definition plate blocks have a lesser value than the plate # single that you WANT for your collection.
If you are an investor or are looking to leave your collection as part of your estate, then the opposite applies.
With all due respect, there is the Herbert Catalog of Plate # Singles so your statement that there is "0 tracking of values for P# singles" is in fact inaccurate.
Collectors spend a lifetime pursuing some degree of completion. With an emphasis on the word some. Fascinating pastime whether you go for multiples or singles.
So looks to be updated sporadically. Issued in 2007, 2011 and 2018. In fairness, that's probably often enough to have a reasonable gauge of value. Created and updated by The American Plate Number Single Society.
Of course this must exist.
However, as others have pointed out, you may have some items of value that your could sell, and buy more plate number singles with.