New Store subscriptions and fees
Does this make sense to drop # of listings from 100,000 to 10,000 and then charge more?
Currently, a Starter Store subscription allows for up to 100 listings, a Basic Store subscription allows for up to 10,000 listings, a Featured Store subscription allows for up to 100,000 listings, and a Premium Store subscription allows for up to 1,000,000 listings. Effective July 22, 2022, a Basic Store subscription will allow for up to 1,000 listings and a Featured Store subscription will allow for up to 10,000 listings.
I have written many at Hipstamp to show my displeasure.
Currently, a Starter Store subscription allows for up to 100 listings, a Basic Store subscription allows for up to 10,000 listings, a Featured Store subscription allows for up to 100,000 listings, and a Premium Store subscription allows for up to 1,000,000 listings. Effective July 22, 2022, a Basic Store subscription will allow for up to 1,000 listings and a Featured Store subscription will allow for up to 10,000 listings.
I have written many at Hipstamp to show my displeasure.
I have a Featured Store and am not going to pay more for a lot less. It looks like I will have to delete about 3,000 items to keep a Featured store or I could just close my store.
I would register my complaint with HS, but after all of the issues over the last year that went ignored or discounted, I don't think they give a flying flip what sellers want.
Currently: $6.95/month for annual subscription, or $83.40/year, for 10,000 listings.
To maintain 10,000 listings, New fees require a Featured Store, at $26.95/month, or $323.40/year (an increase of $240 per year simply to maintain 10K in listings!).
Or...keep Basic Store at $9.95/month ($119.40/year), an increase of $36/year for 1/10th of the listings.
Clearly, this move was well thought out by management...
I've already created a store-wide discount of 25% (listed in Promo forum) thru the 21st, then closing my store
I guess HipPostCard isn't doing as well as HipStamp, so management isn't risking pissing off as many sellers there as here, but I bet they will still lose some stores there as well. Nothing like shooting oneself in one's foot....
Oh, Yeah? I don't know about the rest of you folks, but I participate in several philatelic message boards in addition to here. They're going to hear about this right about now!
I have already made the decision to close my store in October. Changed my store to yearly pay just for the hell of it to keep my item limit.
Maybe now I'll hang out till December and start posting again for a while...
Seems like Hipstamp is giving me the same reasons to bail out as ebay did 6 or 7 years ago.
If any seller has any concerns about our store subscription pricing, please reach out to our team directly at as we may have options available to help you reduce your store subscription fees with us.
We'd be happy to take a look at your specific account and see how we can help.
I've been here since at least 2005.