Color shift error on 1976 State Flags mint sheet SC#s 1633-82

Hi Folks! I purchased the 1976 States Flags mint sheet at the post office in 1976. I remember looking at the sheet later and being disappointed that the printing was not very clear and the colors were off center. Now I realize that this is a color shift error. I have not been able to find any information or values on this error. Can anyone help? And how can I upload images for examples?


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Take a photo or scan it with a scanner, then click on the "upload an image" link just above the upper right corner of a message box when you're writing a reply in this thread (or any thread for that matter).

    Also, this isn't considered an "Error", in the "EFO (Error, Freak, Oddity)" world of stamps, it's more an oddity. Errors will usually get a minor listing in Scott, but Freaks and Oddities won't. (So you won't see a "color shit" minor numbering for this in Scott).

    Individual stamps in this era with this type of error are usually around $5, a full sheet will be worth more, BUT you need to find specialist collectors for this. You might fetch $75 - $100 for the sheet.
  • Thank you Scott! I'm still struggling with the image, but I'm working on it!
  • Make sure your image file is not too large. A phone photo is too large. Resize it so it is 850px wide or less.
  • Yeah, yellow is shifted, but not drastically. Some more affected than others. Like Arizona you could almost miss it entirely, while Nebraska is obvious. These types of shifts are "uncommon", but occur frequently enough that they don't really constitute a significant change in value. CV on this for a regular pane is $17.50. With this shift, it might increase the value by 2x so around $35.

    A color shift, as I mentioned is considered a freak. A color omission would constitute an error. That would command a much higher value. Wish I had better news for you.
  • Scott,

    This is great news. Now I know what I have! Thank you so much for all of your help!
  • Cheers Mark.
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