FDC Protection
To all the wonderful, so much more knowledgeable, members I have another wild and crazy question!
While storing FDC's I would like to know how you protect the flaps from getting adhered to the envelopes.
What if anything do you place on the envelope to prevent this happening. Parchment paper, waxed paper, tissue paper, cellophane or what material, if anything? I'm in a subtropical location and need to protect the flaps from sticking.
And do you add that bit of information (fully or partially stuck) in the description while listing the FDC's?
All opinions are welcome.
Thank you for your advise and suggestions,
While storing FDC's I would like to know how you protect the flaps from getting adhered to the envelopes.
What if anything do you place on the envelope to prevent this happening. Parchment paper, waxed paper, tissue paper, cellophane or what material, if anything? I'm in a subtropical location and need to protect the flaps from sticking.
And do you add that bit of information (fully or partially stuck) in the description while listing the FDC's?
All opinions are welcome.
Thank you for your advise and suggestions,
Nothing is 100 per cent. Do you have a dehumidifier in the stamp room ? You can insert the cover in a FDC glassine - place the glassine face down on the table and lift the flap. Insert the cover face down inside the glassine and let the cover flap slide outside the glassine. Shouldn't stick to the glassine but no guarantees.
Definitely need to mention in the description and whether it is stuck to the outside of the envelope or the inside of the envelope. And yes, it does affect price .....
Hope that helps and that others add other opinions.
Rene, I've often thought of a gun safe for the stamps, but that really wouldn't work and I'm not that great on building stuff (for some reason the hubs wont let me around power tools, lol).
Anybody else have any thoughts?
You can also get sheets of "glassine" material, the same as used in glassine envelopes. You can then place them between the flap and the envelope back. This won't stop the gum from vanishing over time if the humidity is too high, but it will stop it from sticking to the envelope.
Another trick is if you have an old sheet file, you can just cut it up and size to fit, and put between the flap and the back. Then no need to buy more stuff.
And, Welcome to HipStamp! When you get your store up and running post it here with the name of it.
dianealthea's Little Shop of Stamps
The store is ClassicPhilatelist.