There seems to be a similar, but less drastic, problem over at HipComic. (At least in my store - some listings are not showing up and the count is off.)
Maybe HIP's 4th floor offices flooded and shorted things out??
The only thing that I don't look forward to is that when this has happened in the past, much of our detailed information, such as Item Condition, Topic and in other listings, Shipping Information is dropped (missing). Sometimes, even the Stamp Format gets a little wanky too! How about when the Topic is moved about! Such as Royalty turns into Politicians, even funnier when Politicians turn into Nobel Prize Winners!!! (just as a couple examples). And when you have almost 91,000 listings... just try to locate those with errors or dropped information! One can only look forward and keep on listing more items.
The site has been behaving wonky all afternoon. Against my better judgement, I listed a number of new items early this afternoon (Central Time in USA). These newly listed items sometimes appear, sometimes not. It depends upon whether you bring up the store front or whether you go into in the individual country categories in which of these newly listed items appear. The ones that are missing on the store front appear in the country listings (sometimes) but some that appear in the country listings don't appear in the store front. If I just check my new listings, about a half of the stamps I listed today don't show up. My total listing number keeps bouncing up and down each time I have checked it the last four hours, but I haven't sold or added anything during that time. So there are still some major issues with the site and I wouldn't try listing anything for a while.
It would be really nice if the administration of this site would let us know that what is going on. If it would be wise not to list anything for a while until things are all straightened out, it would be appreciated if they would give us that piece of information. Instead it is the usual wall of silence and curtain of secrecy.
As a customer, I would observe that now is probably not a good time to place orders. I'm sad for you guys because I'm sure a few others have made the same decision, and that cuts into your sales, yet you have other issues to worry about. I was hoping to place a small order tonight, but we should all wait until management gives an explanation.Umm, management????
As a seller, I am thankful for the 6 new orders I have received since the listings were restored. In my opinion, not placing orders now because management hasn't given an explanation seems to unfairly penalize the sellers. It wasn't their fault the site was down. I doubt we will ever know why the site was down. Perhaps HipStamps doesn't know what caused the problem, but we all need to be thankful that they were able to restore it fairly quickly. It sometimes takes my phone and internet company 3 days to fix an issue.
The problem is that it is not fixed. There are still issues with the my new listings that I entered this afternoon. If I go my listings list, only about half of the stamps I entered this afternoon show up. And what shows up is different than what shows up as my most recent listings in my store front. I am afraid to list anything new because I don't know what is going to happen (will they show up or won't they and where will they show up). Any attempt to list new items at this point might be a complete waste of time. My time can be better spent cataloging and scanning stamp images right now rather than trying to list new items.
This being Sunday perhaps the site management couldn't get any of the help to answer the phone and come in and help fix the problem.
A horrible thought just occurred to me. Are the listings that are there accurate??? Did Hipstamp restore our listings from a backup that does not include recent sales? That would mean that there are listings up for sale that we don’t have in stock... Sigh...
Has anyone received any information about the problem from Hipstamp? It would be good to know if it is worth doing new listings. Or rather, wait.
They may not even know there is still problem with the new listings? For me, it seems the old listings are good. I only have a problem with what I am listing now.
I wouldn't do anything that might screw it up anymore. I went to random stores and by refreshing the page found that there were 2 or 3 different numbers of items listed. My store shows either 7000 or 2000 missing - never the right number. I assume they are still working. It would be nice if they would tell us when it is time to panic - or not.
"Thank you for your patience while we work towards a resolution to this issue. We are pleased to let you know that we have rectified the problem and you should be able to see your listings in your store. Otherwise, let us know so our team can re-evaluate. Thank you for your patience. Please do not hesitate to reach out for assistance."
I think they are still working on this. My listings just reverted back to a few days ago. I've listed a couple of items this morning that haven't shown up yet.
Ignorance is bliss. Unaware anything was wrong yesterday, I went happily along adding new listings. Last night I could see that a few of them would appear only intermittently, after a refresh, for example (when some of the others would disappear!). Apparently no significant problem otherwise.
Edited to add: repeated attempts finally got the site to open, where one is greeted by: "We are currently experiencing an issue with search results, in which select listings are not currently being displayed. Our team is working to resolve this issue."
Items sold over the weekend are in the store but say "Sold" under the image. When you open the item there is a message "This item is no longer available". I don't know, yet, if it's only items sold during the problem or all sold items.
it would appear this only pertains to items sold during the "problem".
Everything has been working perfectly here for 1 hour now. New listings are also displayed. It shows the same after each refresh. Everything seems to be fine here.
Hi All, As many of you have seen, HipStamp is currently experiencing an issue with search results in which select listings are not currently being displayed.
While many listings have been resolved, a few may still be outstanding. Our team is working diligently to resolve this issue fully as soon as possible, and I'll continue to update here as we get updates. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to reach to our support team at with any other questions.
Just a challenge in life.
Maybe HIP's 4th floor offices flooded and shorted things out??
I'm still down 3k (87,759 vs 90,885?).
It would be really nice if the administration of this site would let us know that what is going on. If it would be wise not to list anything for a while until things are all straightened out, it would be appreciated if they would give us that piece of information. Instead it is the usual wall of silence and curtain of secrecy.
This being Sunday perhaps the site management couldn't get any of the help to answer the phone and come in and help fix the problem.
It would be good to know if it is worth doing new listings. Or rather, wait.
They may not even know there is still problem with the new listings? For me, it seems the old listings are good. I only have a problem with what I am listing now.
I assume they are still working. It would be nice if they would tell us when it is time to panic - or not.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will take a closer look at it and diagnose the issue. We will get back to you with an update.
Meantime, we appreciate your patience and we apologize for the inconvenience.
It is now 24 hours later, but no additional communication.
"Thank you for your patience while we work towards a resolution to this issue. We are pleased to let you know that we have rectified the problem and you should be able to see your listings in your store. Otherwise, let us know so our team can re-evaluate. Thank you for your patience. Please do not hesitate to reach out for assistance."
I think they are still working on this. My listings just reverted back to a few days ago. I've listed a couple of items this morning that haven't shown up yet.
Edited to add: repeated attempts finally got the site to open, where one is greeted by:
"We are currently experiencing an issue with search results, in which select listings are not currently being displayed. Our team is working to resolve this issue."
it would appear this only pertains to items sold during the "problem".
While many listings have been resolved, a few may still be outstanding. Our team is working diligently to resolve this issue fully as soon as possible, and I'll continue to update here as we get updates. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to reach to our support team at with any other questions.