Sorting Item list....

Has anyone had the same issue as I have... I use private inventory numbers but Hipstamp does not include that in the (sort) selection.... I can't see they don't as it is offered as a method to identify a listing... This would be a big help in doing my yearly inventory and stock check... One at a time just isn't the way to go... ? any ideas or am I missing something... don't believe I am.... been selling since "Bidstart" and "Stampwants"..... drives me crazy.... not being able to go directly down the line doing inventory...


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Tom:
    Could you achieve what you are trying to do by down loading your inventory to a spreadsheet and then sort by Private ID? I do that all the time to sort larger orders or calculate annual sales tax due
  • Tom, I posted this in the Feature Requests a while back. There have been quite a few people who have seconded, but so far nothing from HS.
  • Unfortunately the only way to do it is what Michael has stated. They are not set up to sort by SKU's like eBay or many other sites which is what a private ID is.
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